I'm stuck in Oribos!

Seems I screwed up. Took the quest to go to Bastion and as soon as I got there I needed to exit WOW so I hit my Hearth Stone back to Orbios. Now I can’t find a way back to Bastion from Orbios. Does anyone know what I should do now?

Did you hand in the quest when you arrived in Bastion? If not, you could cancel the quest and retake the flightpath to Bastion. Alternatively, perhaps you could find a warlock (and tip them generously) and get them to summon you to Bastion?

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Does the flight master give you the option to fly straight to Bastion? I get them independent of unlocked flight paths.

Yes. Now I’m in Orbos with no way that I can find to get back to Bastion.

Maybe delete the quest and take it again?

Okay, I found the flight master on the 2nd floor who can give me flight back to Bastion. Sorry for posting before I tried finding the flight master. I’m 73yo and not a sharp as I once was.


I’m glad everything worked out for you. Coming here and getting suggestions is what this forum is for. Not all of us are rocket scientists so a little extra help is always welcome. This post now can help someone else who might run into the same issue.


I dislike the fact our flight whistle was taken from us. :frowning:

Apparently you can’t summon a ride in the afterlife. Although if you could it would probably be one of the Kyrian guys hauling you around by the scruff.

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I thought you opened up the portal to bastion before you leave. Did you try the portal pad upstairs?

edit - Ah, I see you found it.

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Thanks to everyone for the comments/help.

Don’t blame yourself. Oribos is badly designed.

I got stuck in the Maw hole once.

omg so cutee :raised_hands: :raised_hands:

I’ll be even more cutee in a few days. Then I’ll be 74yo. I’m trying to keep up with all you young whipper-snappers. :crazy_face:

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