I'm starting to like Sylvana's storyline

For real. If they stop making it like Sylvanas is some 4d chess master all the time and that she’s capable of being wrong, then she might actually be interesting.


I think it depends on how they escape.

Sylvanas uses her skills and escapes on her own blimp. I did not find her escape boring.

Anduin gets ported by Auntie Jaina onto her ship. That was kind of lame.

Sylvanas’s escape is at least her own effort and her own ship. Anduin has other people dragging him away to escape his problems while he stands there stupefied.


She flies away while screaming… and plague bombs her own city. Pretty boring to me. Hopefully Blizzard ends this terrible 4D chess plot with her and makes her finally suffer some consequences for her actions.


Well “boring” is a matter of taste. You say it is boring. I disagree.

Baine standing there on the escape blimp, looking like the innocent little brother hanging out with his older sister and her bad friends, made me giggle. Nathanos should have offered him a smoke.

At least Sylvanas engineered her own escape. It is less boring in my mind watching a character escape from a death trap after her enemies claimed her city and attempt to seize her. That is an escape I can enjoy.

Anduin is literally dead weight standing around stupefied while Auntie Jaina makes an escape for him.

If I am going to watch a know-it-all escape consequences , I find more enjoyment if they are actively escaping. Instead of being hauled like mindless freight. But that is a matter of taste.


M8 she always had that attitude which didn’t hold up Godfrey to oneshot this stupid zombie.

It’s more cringy.


My issue with Sylvanas is how gratuitously blood thirsty she is. While her blood lust isn’t anything new, the whole burning of Teldrassil really served no purpose other than to shock the player base. As I said, it is gratuitous, and it it’s really kind of ruined the character for me, when before she was one of my favorites.

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Is Sylvanas blood thirsty? I think she thinks more that the Horde is blood thirsty and she want to satisfy their needs. At least Golden wrote it.

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This was a cool moment but unlucky for Godfrey since Sylvanas got that Dues Ex Machina 9 Lives Valkyrie to save her whenever she does die like this. Sylvanas is the only character with literal extra lives at her disposal which makes her “I’m a 4d chess master” stuff even more cringe.


Sylvanas would be better if she did a better job selling the benefit of staying behind her instead of going “NO WEAKNESS”. Garrosh at least appealed to the darker side of Orcs in a demagogue sort of way.

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How many of these things she have left again? Do she have enough to res herself one more? Do we even know why defaq the Val’kyr choose especially her?

I think in the lore she has enough to rez herself one more time according to some people but who knows with Blizz what they decide.

She had a deal with Helya, didn’t she? I’m guessing that it was for the lantern, but since we didn’t actually see everything that was said to be part of the deal, Blizzard could just as easily go “she dead… BUT NOW HELYA HAPPENS SHE BACK NOW”.

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It also helped create a crack on the Alliance… she said it to Saurfang from the start, it’s all or nothing. Saurfang accepted and detracted mid way, at least she is true to her word.

I agree I don’t like her as a crazed b##ch but can’t deny she has had reasons (I’d rather had seen her explicitly lashing at Saurfang for letting Malf go and having burn the tree with civilians as plan B).

The problem with Sylvanas burning Teldrassil is that it completely undermines the entire campaign. They needed Teldrassil as a hostage to prevent retaliation from the Alliance. She threw her victory out the window. Teldrassil, as horrible as it was for the Alliance, actually served to be one of the Horde’s greatest defeats, and ultimately the reason they are now losing the war.


Cease thou this Carm-aping nonsense. Unless you’re like a Carm-alt or something. In which case cease thou this self-aping nonsense.


If Trivelfrank is a Carmageddon alt I don’t think Carmageddon is aware of it.


To me , retaliation was exactly what she wanted, considering how well she planned the UC stink bomb. What she never considered (non of us, admit it) was the unlimited Jaina Power….

ooor that the Alliance has a Vindicar, a Champion of Elune, the Child of Light (with combat mass res), a light-anointed Undead, the Voidtoys….ok, ok ill stop triggering myself (Though, no shame in my allegiances).

Implied traits are the narrative devices of hacks.

What do you mean?

Idk why everyone is so surprised by her strategy it’s scourge 101 tactics. Attacking the night elves and burning their capital, wasn’t some snap action it was intended to get the night elves pissed and start a war in an area where she could accumulate a lot of corpses of both horde and alliance for a later use.