I'm Starting To Feel Bad For Alliance

Oh my child, they do expect to pvp below that unfortunately.

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I actually just started messing with my level 50 veng DH again and he’s Night Elf and I actually am having fun in BGs base sitting in shadowmeld and then dumpstering a rogue trying to cap on me for half their HP with the hunt. I usually faction change but maybe I’ll suck it up and try to help the underdogs


There isn’t really any reason to play Alliance for high level content anywhere right now unless you simply like the Alliance and don’t mind being an underdog.

It does make winning sweeter though if you imagine you’re playing against a bunch of people who queued Horde and spent 20 minutes waiting for an easy win only to find themselves being farmed at the graveyard by the Fellowship of the Ring


The only way to enjoy alliance epic games is to jsut do your part and enjoy the ride … fighting with trolls about whether docks or hangar is better is not good for your mental health . Speaking from experience . :angry:


I feel like alliance lacks “middle class” sort of. Players who are not super high end, but not slackers either, who try their best and know in general what to do.

Like, when I play horde alts I can always rely on somebody sitting farm, or somebody picking orbs, or flag, getting to efc. “I do my part” kind of thing. Whereas on alliance I always assume nobody cares and I stretch myself thin looking after everything. It becomes very tiring and stressful.

Also horde seems to be more laid back in chat. Like I played a horde IoC yesterday, and we were farmed by ally premade. And you know what people were typing in chat? “Need 5-6 stealthies on hangar”. A constructive strategy in the face of a premade. Whereas alliance would devolve into flaming each other. Other games when alliance wins, horde chat is just silence, because everybody knows exactly why the loss happened and just kind of chills. (Probably because they know they will win the next one too).


Well put…


It probably doesn’t help that a lot of the time, Alliance has Horde mercs who are trying to gear up via the faster queue times, and so they have lower ilvl. The Horde players on Horde side have already hit their gear stride and so it often means Alliance gets the worst of both worlds.


No way is it beneficial to farm honor with faster queues but with more loses if you don’t get the alliance bonus honor which merc don’t

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Check BGE, and you know its over
It’s like 80% of my games


Merc mode should quite frankly be removed. Should be a risk/reward for choosing the higher pop faction.

The only boon that merc mode changes brought was removal of the bonus for mercs.


the thing that i have seen over the years is the alliance had a middle class. its gone now. I remember a time when the alliance owned AV. You que up for AV it was nearly 99% a win for us. Things started to change past Burning Legion during the afternoon when schools let out and it was forget it. As time when on things slowly went to crap and that middle class vanished. Where it went would be a guess. As for now I feel do to the gearing gap an alliance middle class cant form.

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Not sure why they removed the bg lfg, was good way to get rolling with new people but i’m struggling to find people to play with. Still in the gearing process which is rough i’m not sure if there’s any active bg communities running

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That SENT me man :joy:

I’m leveling an undead mage and noticed

BGs up until 50: Horde wins most
50s bracket: Alliance is weirdly good?

This rogue obviously plays in 60s, which was good for Alliance up until the past few weeks and now seems like a loss every game.


At this point mercenary mode was clearly made for the horde players benefit.

Sure on WoD you could rarely sometimes be a mercenary as alliance. 3 Expansions later alliance never will know what is like being a mercenary anymore by the looks of it.

The mercenary system was fine for a solution that somewhat work for a time but this expansion along with balancing core issues along with gear issues it’s clear that the mercenary mode needs to be removed from the game.

There’s no point in having low geared hordes on the lowest side popularity wise for bgs. Shadowlands issues only amplify this.

Use the RBG mode for random bgs and let hordes face their own side as well. There’s no point in having a mode that benefits only one side when they already benefit alot in other parts of the game.


Yes, its bad, very bad. Part of the problem is we have ilvl 158 Horde Mercs joining our BGs. We had a 22K HP Troll Rshaman join our BG yesterday and just trash talk Alliance the whole time about how bad they are. I looked him up on the Armory and he was a fresh 60 with no gear. I said to him you are a part of the problem.

So I will ask you OP - what ilvl is your Merc? Because I know you are not joining as an ilvl 226. Horde is not sending their best over as Mercs.

Now, when I join a BG if most of the Alliance players are sub-30K HPs (there are always a lot of 22K, 24K players), and Horde are close to 40K HPs, I take the deserter debuff and leave the BG.


I completely agree, we are tired of low itemlevel afk mercenaries leeching honor on Alliance side.

If horde players prefer crowded faction, why would you remove downside of it, which is long battleground ques. Mercenary mode is frustrating for Alliance players. Why we have to carry low geared horde alts with 140 iLvL? We already have our low geared players why doubling their numbers by adding horde ones on top of it?

That is another issue. You will rarely meet a good mercenary, my experiences tell me 90℅ consist of afks, 140-150 itemlevels, toxic ones who trashtalk about Alliance expecting to get carried.


Honestly this makes me really sad. I am so sorry to hear that people just give up. That’s so depressing at the first of a game, or even anytime during one. It does happen on Horde too, but I guess not as frequently as Alliance.

I wish I knew a way that would help you be able to boost morale. <3 to you all and I hope things improve for you in the future.

(Because no one can read tones online, I just want you all to know I am being genuinely sincere.)


It’s interesting how there’s no “Horde mercs” in any of the brawls, yet Alliance still has the lion’s share of the 24-26k health players :thinking:

Arathi Blizzard was a good example of this (the most recent brawl I dabbled in). In the games I played on my Alliance toons most of my Alliance teammates ranged from 24-31k health, meanwhile there were more 35k+ health characters on the Horde teams (…with a few overpowered 40k+ health Rets and Boomkins sprinkled in).


Checking achieve panel on main…have 60% win rating in randos…however join a rando where 8 of 10 homies have sub 25K hp…probably gonna dip on that one for good reason take that deserter go do dailies. BG’s are fine.

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Cant agree, OP. I have this toon and my horde toon and they have very similar win ratios, around 50% +/- few percent overall in random bgs. This forum/social media bubble of somehow the horde destroying alliance in random bgs is (hilariously) false year after year. Last week my tauren ret struggled to win in classic ashran or ebg ashran. Yet my undergeared ally alt went in and pummeled the horde. Should i conclude alliance is destroying the horde in bgs and make a forum thread where i pitty the horde? XD