I'm sorry... you can shoot through walls?

you can double jump? who’s absolutely disgustingly overpowered terrible idea was this?

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Don’t really understand this. Hunter has always been god tier for open world PvP.

Hunter kills DH in pvp .

All I can say to that is


Sorry it was too easy just had to


As a BM hunter that is disgusted by MM burst currently, I can say you’re complaining about the wrong thing. The Kyrian ability is way too easy to defeat and only works on terrible PvPers. All you have to do is leave the obvious circle you’re standing in.

I almost lost a match the other day, because the DH we faced did that against me and a Boomkin and I couldn’t stop laughing. Like bro, it doesn’t work against ranged classes.

Malefic Rapture doesn’t work if the target is LoS so your comparison is incorrect.

I’m not a druid and I don’t intentionally los to save my life

Most of the DH I encounter in BG nowaday, don’t even need to run, 1 spell they literally do Bunny Hopping over 100 yd

They are still few DH still try to BFA style PVP, it is a good thing blizz did uncheat, I mean nerf this class.

imagine crying about HUNTERS in this meta lmao yeah, that’s the problem right now…

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I don’t see how it’s game breaking that we can stay relivant in pvp.

Also I think it ridiculous that I got crit for 22K by a DH’s The Hunt covenant ability. At least getting shot through a wall doesn’t literally 1 shot you. Other classes are allowed to be fun too

It is game breaking to them because they are going “We can no longer pwn you”

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Any time LoS doesnt work in both PvE and PvP it’s stupid. That goes for trying to tank caster mobs as well as neutralize ranged dps players. It is immersion breaking nonsense.