I'm SoL aren't I?

Same resubbed just for the hope of getting into beta, if I don’t make the cut I’ll be waiting for release. Either way I cannot wait!

Ignore everyone else.

Check here: https://us.battle.net/account/management/wow/subscription/payment-history.html


Yes. Shows my first sub on dec 6, 2005.


9/2/05 was my free month. I’ve played every expansion. no Invite.

oh, that’d explain why all those were removed from the transaction history, they were split into subscription payment history.

Though it does still feel bad that they’re only inviting people that have active subs to BfA, unless they changed that.

Interesting. Apparently 08 is when I bought my Authenticator. Unless I’m looking at the wrong spot.

Just as screwed as if you bought the game yesterday, or day one. It’s a lotto x.x

You’re my hero. I’ve been wondering when exactly I started, and now I was able to find that it was December 4th, 2004.

Thanks for the link. Says I started 12/27/2004. Received a beta invite last week, and got to play/test this past weekend.

I cant see why when someone started would matter, I started in 2006 and i played betas since cata. I never heard of this.

You are the wo(MAN)! Sure enough, Mar 27, 2005. Maybe I’ll get lucky now that I’ve resubbed. Cheers mate!

You’re not screwed at all, the first stress test is this week. Which I think means it’s safe to say Blizzard will send out ALOT of invites, possibly to everyone interested since that would simulate actually server load on launch day.

Thank you for the link! Awww… there it is, 10/28/2005, “free month.” I remember Dolanaar being decorated for Hallow’s End, and fresh little Moink (that’s how her name was spelled then) completing quests in the area for the first time. So long ago.

I feel you, I lost my old account because I had an authenticator on there and back in Cata they would not let me remove it without my secret word, which I lost. SO, I re-bought the game and all its expansions and have played on this account since, didn’t think about the old account until suspicions of old accounts getting access to beta. But, I was able to recover the old account about a week ago (I think I began in early 2006) and have since subbed to try to get into beta with it.

Too much hype on my end as I probably won’t get in with either, but I guess it was worth a try lol. They can check out my old Herod’s Shoulder on a lvl 55 shaman still equipped even though now it’s plate to see if they’d like :rofl:

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I still have my original character. It appears I’ve converted some of my old raid gear into the transmog repository (or whatever it is called), but I still have some Shadowcraft bracers that aren’t soulbound sitting in my bank… Do those even drop anymore?

I think the blue sums it up best:

Very limited beta… I’ve seen this stated a couple times by blues.

Heh congrats. 11/23/04 and my FOMO is lurking in the corner.

You may or may not be SoL. But if you are on a shingle, well then you aren’t. LOL

Be patient. You never know.

Shhh you’re going to wake the trolls who haven’t read any of that :slight_smile:

I have no idea about the modern loot tables tbh, I just run around and get loot and it magically becomes rare or epic quality lol.