I'm so happy!

That we get atleast another week of the game being unplayable unless you have a DH/Outlaw on your team.


Every game is a black temple boss fight its actually insane


I don’t think they nerf the same week as AWC. Well its blizzard they might :rofl:

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I’m so happy that you’re happy! :smiley:

Going to be longer than a week tho.


99.9% sure there are 0 changes until season 4.


Ye at this point it wouldn’t shock me

What’s wild is we are seeing ret s1 levels when it comes to DH with everyone rerolling and shuffles having 2+ DH is like half the lobbies despite the game trying not to

Blizzard is probably chalking it up to low participation without realizing the lack of tuning probably plays a massive part

Vicious cycle


Editing for math: i forgot to divide by 2 because there are 2 teams per match (sorry for dumb)

Honestly it’s kinda close, but still not comparable.

Of the 26507 matches played this past week, only 17528 of them had a DH, so only 66% of games have at least 1 DH.

Obviously that’s crazy when you think that there are 36 specs (still like 30 if you remove tanks) and one takes up 66% instead of the expected 3% - especially when it’s a historically lower playrate class.

However, s1 ret paladins had something like a 91% rep and 95% winrate into non-ret teams. There has literally never been anything like that.


I didn’t realize the s1 numbers were that skewed to be completely honest.

Really makes you wonder what they were thinking back then.

It’s also insane to think that a single spec being included in 60%+ of all games currently is somehow still significantly less than what ret was back then.

In the interest of not editing my original statement, I’d amend it to “we are approaching ret s1 levels” rather we are seeing.


Yeah, it was borderline unbelievable.

Thats why it was so fried reading things like, “oh back in wrath combat rogue or dk were way more broken”
No they werent.
10.0.7 ret paladin was the most broken thing to happen to any competitive game that I have EVER heard of/seen.

It was completely unbelievable.


A dh is in 2 out of 3 games. We all know that rep alone isnt a strong argument for balance, but just come on, man. 2 out of 3 games have at least one DH. That information coupled with average cr/mmr, in-game metrics, and first blood percentage suggests that they’re certainly overtuned.

And they’re still less broken than 10.0.7 ret paladin XD


they should give dh the soul sever from nighthold illidan (100% ms and damage taken until soul is picked up, and it’s a frontal) they low key need it

That is the most insane stat I think I’ve ever read LMAO
(Wrt wow arena)

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Yeah. It was the most egregious thing that has ever happened mid-season. Truly unbelievable.


So I should just continue my streak of 0 3s games played this expansion? Will do.


What I -loved- were all the rets that were saying it was balanced and we just needed to line their wings ranged insant cast 2 shots every 1 min go when they offensively bubble.

I will never forget how many idiots were 1k+ above any rating they had ever even dreamed of getting because they could press 3 buttons. S2 was hilarious playing into any ret that was just S tier at that point and bubbled 2nd global just to get dispelled and insta killed.


“Let ret be meta for a bit man we havent been good for a decade!”


The plus side is a lot of them seem to have outright quit. I think having smoked something that potent made mere “good” ret seasons feel muted and joyless


Yeh right where do you think all these DH players came from


Keystones and raids, mostly

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Seems like someone needs to come up with some orcish poetry for the chat feed :thinking: