I'm sick of Pathfinder

I think it is all very immersive and realistic, like how commercial airline pilots forget how to fly, every time they land in a different country.


Or like how commercial airline pilots pull planes out of their rear-ends every time they want to travel further than 20 yards.


Yes this exactly!

Listen we can all give our valid reasons why Pathfinder sucks till we are blue in the face. Countless players before us have laid out perfectly reasonable arguments against Pathfinder and how to better improve it, since it is staying in game as is.

Make no mistake about it PATHFINDER IS STAYING! It’s staying not because we as the players want it, but simply because Ion Hazzikostas and the devs want it. They wanted to axe flying from the game altogether remember? It’s only after massive sub loss (and most likely threats from share holders of people losing their jobs) that we have the debacle that is Pathfinder.


Not in a zillion years. First, are you serious? Who has that much gold to toss around? (Well, probably a fair few people but I ain’t one of them). Second, they never give flying out at the start of an expansion because there are unavailable areas of the expansion early on (eg Nazjatar in BfA) and they can’t have you flying somewhere you aren’t supposed to go. Third, it would mean that only people with the gold could get flight - can we say Unfair to the Gold Poor here?

My solutions is better. At the right time, have two methods: 1 - do a minimal questline and exploration when all appropriate areas are available and purchase s single flight license for your main. 2 - do Pathfinder for account wide flight for all your alts for free.

Easy as.


It’s gotten to the point where it’s beyond silly. It was their detriment and downfall when this was introduced in Warlords of Draenor. Even with the compromise, they (Blizzard) shouldn’t make us wait over a year into the expansion before we can, “earn” flight.

I quit for almost 9 months due to shenanigans like this. I just couldn’t find myself enjoying trudging through the zones, over mountains, through miles and miles and mountains of trash mobs galore.

This was further cemented when I unlocked Dark Iron Dwarves less than two weeks after release. I burned my own self out, that’s my own fault. With that said, the impact of said, “burn out” would’ve been lessened if I didn’t have to traverse god awful terrain, millions of snake men, tiny raccoon people, trolls, and other trash wanting to dismount me and slow my progress.

But hey, I saved almost 200 bucks by taking a break, or a million plus in gold. So… thanks for that, Blizzard.


Dear Blizzard - flying was a mistake to add to the game. Please design the game for easy mounted access and have relevant flight points.

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I’m all for flying, but there should be flak cannons or other methods to make the skies dangerous than the net.

Also, I’d love to see a zone/world that was more vertical than horizontal. Imagine if the sword of sargeras had been like a new zone and it was as tall as Eastern Kingdoms was long. And fill it will caves, monsters, etc. An Azeroth Tower of Babel.


Pathfinder is staying as long as the devs think it is working and accomplishing THEIR goals. A lot of people put up with Pathfinder because they figure they are going to get it by doing what they would normally do anyway. “If you play the game the way you’re supposed to, you’ll get Pathfinder” is the constant refrain from people who defend Pathfinder.

I don’t like the whole notion that there is a way that you are supposed to play the game. I think Pathfinder should be removed entirely, just make flight available at max level like in MOP. There could also be an achievement for account wide unlock of flying. There could be also sorts of options.

But Blizzard has adopted a policy of one size fits all. Play the game the way you are supposed to, or quit.


Then don’t do it. Simple.
Path finder system is in place for 2 reasons. To get you out and do the content they worked hard to develop and see the story lines of the expansion.

No one is forcing you to do anything, besides think of the gold you’re saving by not buying flying for all your alts, provided you’re alcoholic like me, plus we get a free mount. seems win win to me.

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There’s no logical reason to delay flying.


I understand some of what the OP is saying. But we have already paid for flying, multiple times. We should not have to pay again.

Flying should be unlocked in the new areas at max level. Maybe throw in Loremaster of the new areas. That’s enough “experiencing the content”.


This is just like the cannons at the Orgila zones in BC and the faction objectives in Karasang wilds in MoP. Keep pathfinder but make it completeable for each patch, and have something like the OPs cannons to prevent just flying in and whacking the quest objective. Flight can eeasily be designed for, timegated Pathfinder is just the easy (dare I say spiteful) way out.

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At this point I think they should just start giving us flying and paying us as an apology for how absolutely stupid pathfinder is and has been.


They could just give flying for free at max level, no gold cost at all.

If the content is that great, people will go out and do it anyway, they don’t need Pathfinder to motivate them. The devs don’t need me to do all the content that they created, that is ridiculous. As long as somebody is subbed, why does it matter what content they choose to do?

Pathfinder is there because the devs figure that it is the ONLY way that people will do content and stay subbed, because the content is so boring. If you disagree and say that you would do the content anyway even without Pathfinder, then why would you care if Pathfinder was removed? And while some people may like the idea of “earning it”, the problem is that we are only given one long and boring way of “earning it”.


I am sick of Flying. Blizzard please remove it completely.

If you don’t do this, it just shows you never listen to your playerbase.

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Pathfinder part 1 is fine, explore, quest in every zone, get rep with everyone. Ok fine, do that anyway leveling up. Part 2 is not needed.

They should do - part 1 lets you fly in the new expansion after the first patch hits.
part 2 lets you fly in whatever else is added (think broken shore). Then have other areas where there is no flying no matter what (like argus etc).

But time gating flying to this late after the expansion came out is bull.

After checking my achievements I thought I’ld add this info.

Purchased Legion - 9-3-16
Legion Pathfinder Part 1 - I earned on 1-2-17 … 4 months after purchase
Legion Pathfinder Part 2 - I earned on 4-28-17 … just under 4 months after earning part 1 … just under 8 months from purchase

Purchased BFA - Aug 17, 2018
BFA Pathfinder Part 1- I earned on 10-5-18 … just under 2 months after purchase
BFA Pathfinder Part 2 – not in game yet – already 7 months after earning part 1 and its been almost 9 months since purchase.

Who knows when exactly part 2 will be available, or what it will require. So it still needs to be implemented, then earned … then we can fly.

Nah man this is messed up

Now I realize the original method of getting flying often resulted in people rushing to max level to purchase flying and then having an advantage over other people who were still leveling when it came to farming mats - herbing, mining etc.

So it’s no biggie waiting a little while to make sure more people are maxed before allowing flying. But 4 months to earn part 1 is more than enough time to be without flight. Once we have earned part 1 we have done all the zones, earned all the rep, seen all the sights.


There’s no logical reason to not.

Choice. If flying is available you can still use your ground mount. When there is no flying I have no choice but to be on the ground.


I’m not sure where this concept of gold sink flying costs comes from. The last expansion that allowed flying via purchase at level cap day 1 was MoP and Wisdom of the Four Winds is 2,500g. It required having Artisan riding. which is either 4,000g or 5,000g depending on the rep vendor you purchased Artisan Riding from.

Therefore flying in MoP required as little as 2,500g to as much as 7,500g per character. And completing most of the zones while leveling and vendoring gear drops would pay for that easily.