Yeah I didn’t want to invoke it either honestly. I was trying to stay as objective as I could with that post, because it’s important to expose false medical information as being false, objectively, but objectively, he has made those false claims so it’s unavoidable.
I have loved ones that are “essential workers” and the amount of harassment and abuse they’ve received just for trying to protect themselves (and also only doing their jobs enforcing company policies) is disgusting. People are so selfish they can’t even wear a mask for ten minutes while they buy pet food.
I feel for the OP here, but we really can not be listening to strangers on the internet for medical advice, and anyone who thinks they are qualified to give medical advice over the internet outside of communication as a medical professional in the field they’re experts on is absolutely not qualified. And kind of crazy.
You’ll be alright. Just pay attention to the symptoms and go to the doctor if you notice anything seriously wrong.
And Call ahead first so they can be ready for you… You forgot that part right?
Well yeah… I figured that was a-given. lol
You would also think not protesting during a pandemic was a given to…but
You’ve gotta try to relax. High anxiety is just going to make your breathing problems worse. Try to drink lots of water and eat, get rest while you wait to actually get treated. It’s going to be alright
stay active but not over exert yourself, keep your body breathing, like walking, and light duty work. Get rest and make sure you keep yourself both hydrated and rested.
You can make it. It will be a rough month.
Don’t panic! Just take deep breaths to calm down. You’ll be ok just take it easy and stay in bed watch your favorite stuff and drinks lots of water juice tea and hot soup! My cousins friend caught the virus and was worried sick as well. My cousin kept him company over FaceTime to keep him relaxed and company and he got better! Maybe you could FaceTime or discord or just call and talk to some friends or family. Just don’t panic and know you will get through it! Let us know when you feel better! I hope you get better soon! Good luck!
LOL You have a higher chance of getting cancer than dying from covid.
My parents both had COVID while they were spending their winter in California (we’re from the midwest). They both recovered by late April. They are also 79 and 82 years old. They had the shortness of breath…loss of taste and smell…and not being able to sleep. Hang in there. Take care of yourself, rest and keep a positive attitude.
Oh…and wear a mask! I always have a laugh a bit when I see anti-maskers say “it’s against my constitutional rights…I don’t have to wear a mask!”. Well apparently they never read the constitution…no where in it does it say you can’t be mandated to wear a mask. Grow up. Seat belt use is mandatory…people hated it at first and now there is a 97% usage rate. Get over it and wear a frickin mask. It’s not difficult people.
Good luck on your recovery OP.
If you’re in the US the government pays for all covid testing/treatment.
The average age of people who die “with” Covid (we don’t track people who die “from”) is almost 80.
A study released earlier this week showed that 80% of people with Covid develop no symptoms.
70 studies (42 peer-reviewed) show that HCQ is extremely effective if administered early.
99% chance you will be fine its that 1% roll that really sucks.
5% of closed cases have resulted in death.
…or are we putting that other 4% in the “…but they had pre-existing conditions, so they didn’t die from COVID, they died with COVID” basket?
Lots of pineapple. Learn to love pineapple. Wish you well.
Also, lots of sunlight to warm up you and also for vitamins.
oh damn so its 95% chance instead of 99% oh boy those are such bad odds. chances are if you don’t have a pre-existing condition you will be fine unless your elderly then good luck I guess.
It’s actually higher than that, assuming he’s under 70. If he’s 50 it’s 99.979 survival rate.
unfortunately, a lot of people weren’t aware that they had pre-existing conditions until they were exacerbated by the virus.
…and surviving the virus doesn’t mean people won’t be left with horrific long-term issues, lung problems, nerve damage, neuro issues.
furthermore, because this is all new, we’re still learning.
i know people don’t like to learn, but we need to be taking a lesson from history here.
once upon a time, there was a big bad virus which mostly only killed the young and the elderly.
…and then the next virus came along, and killed everyone who had survived the first one, with barely any impact on the demographic of the first virus.
people need to get it out of their head that this is just about the “now”.
Don’t care still not going to be afraid of a virus that wont kill me.
Yes ignore the scientific data we have and assume it’s the end if the world. SARS has been around and is similar (more serious) than SARS-COV2, but it’s ridiculous to live in fear over hypothetical predictions based on nothing.
We live with viruses everyday. The common cold is a corona virus.