I'm Scared

“Call an ambulance” people just make my eyes bug out

Have you tried sleeping with a bunch of pillows propping up your back?

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here we have drive-thru testing

first thing the op needs to do is establish what’s wrong with them, before demanding medications for something they don’t have.

Exactly. Taking medicine for something you might not even have will just give you some weird side effects for nothing.

Call and talk to the hospital billing department. Explain the situation. They may be able to lower the amount of money you might owe if you do wind up going based on your income and ability to pay.

I know it’s dodgy to ask about symptoms ( the brain might end up MAKING you have a symptom if you think about it enough ) but do you still have the ability to taste things OP?

A lot of covid patients at my moms hospital say the loss of taste was one of the first things they noticed.

Now that you mention this that is pretty insane. I was waiting outside with people who had already tested positive for covid, but where coming in for other issues.

It’s funny that you bring up anxiety. I have general anxiety disorder and when my symptoms first started I thought it was just panic attacks. Boy was I wrong.

Might try this. My plan was to stay up all night until I can get my inhaler. That’s just how bad my breathing gets.

Yeah I do. I don’t have a lot of the common symptoms like fever and coughing, so I thought I had something else. Well I still have to find out my results in some days.

Headaches, similar migranes to the point where the side of his head did feel a little numb. It goes away.

Things like this remind me vividly of why I love being in Canada. Man, to have to deal with the US healthcare system through this whole thing… I just can’t imagine.


Bro, why was your mom having a party???

You should tell her right now that if you die, your blood is on her hands.

Honestly though, if you’re under the age of 40 you’re probably fine. And if you’re a healthy young guy who works out regularly, then you probably won’t even have to miss raid nights lol. Just, don’t worry and chill. It feels absolutely horrible, but it’s gonna blow over like a regular cold.

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Then just treat this like you got the sniffles. If your body isn’t trying to kill whatever bad thing is in you with a fever, you’ll be okay

The pillow propping idea can certainly help. One thing I haven’t seen suggested is chicken broth based soup. (they call it Jewish penicillin) Plenty of fluid and rest, as with any corona virus (common cold). I might also suggest some Vick’s vapor rub or a baby dept. vapor bath.

If you’re prone to anxiety, you’ll want to be extra careful about keeping your calm, as others have stated, stress will make nothing better. Right now, every cough/sniffle/anything is suspected covid.

Take care of yourself, sleep as well/much as possible and don’t be afraid to call 911 if you have great difficulty in breathing. And stay away from others as much as possible.

I wish you a speedy recovery.

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If I were you I wouldn’t panic too much, unless you’re one of the high risk demographic. Elderly or immunocompromised. If you aren’t either of those, than you should be fine. Make sure to get rest and nutrients and stay hydrated.

Try propping yourself up with pillows so that you can get some rest, and try not to allow your fear to create more problems for you. I have found that when I am sick, sleeping on the couch with pillows behind my head and turning on really bad movies is helpful to take my mind off of the illness.

Hot tea can be very helpful as well as would water/beverages with electrolytes. And contact the hospital if your breathing gets really bad. They can advise you better than we can.

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Don’t have salt in the soup tho. Just a heads up OP

“hello sir, you might possibly have covid. i see you are experiencing shortness of breath, so please walk home and be sure to spread it to the world. then make sure the wow forum goers are aware!”

-your doctor

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If they sent you home, you likely won’t be dying, otherwise they would have had you admitted into the hospital.
And yes, suck it up and buy those medicine. Your health is worth more than that money.

It highly depends on if they even have room for patients. Sometimes at my moms hospital they have to send people home just to self quarantine because they have seriously no more beds available. It’s usually the ones that weren’t at a severe risk.

You followed the advise of those that say that is enough. That helps a ton yes but you are only as safe in your home as those around you are being. That and there is other things you need to remember such as Germs living on surfaces for anywhere between 4 hours up to 2 weeks depending on the surface type. Without proper disinfecting of the things you purchase you could easily become infected. Although most likely the causes came from

This party likely infected your entire home. and I am sorry your mom wasn’t being smart enough or didn’t care enough to not do that sort of non sense. I hope you get well soon, and maybe your mother will learn a valuable lesson from this. So if you all survive this terrible thing, she won’t have another party if we have a pandemic again.

Honestly the more I think of this the more angry I get about it. I’m not sure why people are having parties in homes where people are trying to stay safe. -sigh- I really am sorry you live with someone like that. So callous and uncaring.


Have you popped AMS?

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