I'm sad about the Covenants

In some instances, yes you are correct. But a covenant choice is not as major as people are making it. More so important is legendary, talent choices, and dungeon know how. Covenants are negligible.

Covenants and their restrictions work - just not in an MMO. If this were a single player RPG where I could reset my save or start another character without serious time commitment, covenants would actually be really cool.


So negligible that a significant portion of the community chose the best performing Covenant. Nobody wants to play with a blatant anchor around their ankles while tackling content.

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A significant portion of the community doesn’t sim their own character and just follows whatever someone else says. Then complains they can’t play their way.

No the community follows what the guides say and then get upset that they aren’t allowed to experiment and test out the other abilities since there’s a penalty attached to leaving your Covenant. Telling someone they’re not allowed to play at their best at all times because of systems like the Covenants is bad gameplay design.


I literally just said that

Then I misunderstood. At the end of the day, the way Covenants are designed does not lead to a positive experience for a lot of players and should’ve never had the restriction to begin with.


That’s one of the worst aspects - if you’re LUCKY, you get all aspects you want. But if you’re not, then you’re just sol.


I totally agree. I do.

This same tired topic again? Blizzard has stated more than once there is no ripcord, they like the way the system is and aren’t going to change it. It’s sucks for some, some don’t care at all, and some (myself included) like the way it is.

They said that about account-wide essences too, then that changed.

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You are missing the point I am afraid.

I also want to play how I want. I would like to be venthyr in M+, necrolord in PvP, and maybe night fae to troll my guildies when re-clearing heroics. But I can’t. So really we are after the same thing. We all want to play how we want.

People read guides, but I’ll tell you this not everyone follows them to a T. Most guides are written in a way so that it suits the majority of the situation. As you get more familiar with encounters or your class you will see when you need to deviate from the guide.

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Your comment is contradicting in itself.

If covenant choice is not major, why not unlock it? If it’s intentionally locked, it has to have a purpose (therefore implies impact) in some way, no?

If you are convinced covenant choice is not major try doing PvP as venthyr DK. You can’t even stick to a warlock.


Couple of things I’d like to point out:

  1. The ripcord exists. It takes at max 2 weeks, at min 2 days. If they make the quest auto complete, that’s effectively ripcord.

  2. Since when is it a problem to voice opinions? Isn’t that what this discussion forum is for? And the fact that similar threads keep on popping up should tell you something.


Lol… “regrind regrind regrind” every balancing patch.

The activision way.

Honestly, delete covenants. Bad idea with worse implementation.

If I wanted a subclass, I would have wanted something based off Warcraft 1/2/3, like studying under SI7, Ravenholdt, or Bloodsail.

I don’t care about cosmic fairies, vampires, angels, or undead. Those don’t feel like subclasses.

I actually like the idea of the covenants. Outside of the restrictions from swapping, preventing players from actually making meaningful choices, I think the implementation was fine.

I know some players that are pre-grinding covenants so they can be ready regardless of which one comes out on top in 9.1

I… I wouldn’t know anything about that
grits teeth

I know quite a few players that ended up leveling 2-3 characters of the same class for each covenant. This is just astounding to me. Not that they would do this, but that Blizzard would setup a system where this is the “fix” to the problem they introduced.

Blizzard, specifically Ion, has been extremely clear that they feel that the talent system “encourages degenerate behavior” and that the four shadowlands systems are intended to “discourage degenerate behavior” by “adding friction to choices” so that you can’t “hearth and respec between raid bosses.”