I'm really tired of this sharding garbage

A few months ago, I used the long-CD Elusive Creature bait…then was sharded away from the spawn :frowning:


This thread needs to become a 3,000+ comment thread.


omg lol xD

I mean you aren’t wrong.


Phasing has always been a mess. You might not notice if you don’t do world content in a group, but there is cata phasing that was introduced that long ago that behaves badly.

In every zone where you have to complete a questline for the world to change and let you learn a flightmaster, or a storyline that changes a little part of the world, there is phasing that will dismount a low level player from their ride, and they can’t even be retrieved. If you’ve done a certain questline and your party member hasn’t, you two can never meet in that microcosm.

Yet people keep asking for more phasing, which is what we get when they utilize old zones to insert new max level content.

And don’t get me started on broken flight points that stop working because you overleveled them, although I feel that the fact flight points work in Uldum and the Vale suggests they could fix the broken ones in Arathi Highlands and the Undercity but have chosen not to.

I don’t have a feeling that there is a solution to this.

In the last event I was waiting for the spawn in Stormwind on Sentinels, grouped with a player from Zul’jin. There was a decent number of players waiting, and as the timer ticked down, suddenly we were both sharded to the Zul’jin server, where there were 2 players. I was able to dissolve the group and reform it to get us back on Sentinels. But wth?

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One of the now-former community council members started a thread on this a while back.

Have you been forced from a shard while remaining active? - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)


This has been a huge problem throughout the years. It doesn’t take a genius to realize Blizzard is using this as a crutch rather than upgrade their servers to handle higher player counts all at once.


Was a band aid fix for a gaping wound that are dead realms, and bleeding subscriber base. Said it many times in other threads before that crz, and it’s offspring shards, phasing etc was the worst thing they did to this game imo.


I don’t use a shard addon. I experience it de-spawning after someone else mined it all the time. At least once I know it was sharding cause I watched the animals around me vanish and reappear over yonder. The other two may or may not have been despawns. But by that point im like 5 new shards in and pissed off … so the other two I’m calling shards for spite regardless lol.

It’s almost definitely on a timer. Fairly short. maybe 15 sec or so.

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we’ll still have this ridiculous sharding going into TWW. They won’t look at it as a serious issue.


I’m surprised this isn’t getting more traction. The current state of sharding is getting out of hand.


I have an idea, merge those dead servers then. Sharding/X-realm was the worst idea and “solution” they could come up with that negatively affected everyone else.


It was either fix the game bugs and issues or implement Plunderstorm outside of regular play to distract everyone that there were main game problems


Another thing that GW2 does better. “Hey you wanna move over to this lower pop shard? You’ll even get a boost.” “Nah” “Okay”

Blizz on the other hand sending in Gob Squad 6 to drag you into a new shard.


That is exactly why I feel like it is a money issue. They could fix it but it would be a hit on servers and possibly require more physical servers per zone/server name. It’s obvious people hate it and the only reason to keep it feels like money to me.



I came back partway through 10.1 and was shocked that not only has sharding issues been happening all expansion but in an expansion with a key open world feature every patch. Hunts, superblooms, research under fire, time rifts, dreamsurge events, dragonbane keep, storm’s fury, etc.; these are key expansion features broken for the entire expansion by sharding.

And good luck farming Karokta when you’re bumped to a newly spawned shard/layer every 20 minutes and no rares spawn until 45 minutes in. Or when inviting people to your group bumps you both to a shard neither of you were on before the invite.

Very wild.


Random shard-hopping could be the Infinite Dragonflight’s latest and most ingenious scheme.


There were 666 views, just needed to +1.


Blizzard needs to respond to this. It’s possibly the only issue I have seen that everyone agrees is a big one. Any response would be helpful, hell tell us to suck it, it’s your game…just something!