I don’t drink a lot of coffee. but I woke up this morning and all I could think of was how great it would be to have a caramel latte from mcdonalds. DON’T JUDGE.
so I went and got one. got home, wrapped my cold hands around the gloriously warm cup, took a sip and OH MY GOD THIS BITTER NASTINESS IS TRYING TO KILL ME WHAT THE HECK.
now i’m sitting here looking at my disgusting coffee while farming my pet charms this morning and wishing I could drink it.
to keep this wow related, my friend sent me this this morning and it made me laugh. I’m 100% the pet collector guy
Did the forums turn into people’s diaries?
D’aw. I’m sorry you’re sad Anna.
If it makes you feel better, I appreciate you and hope your day gets better. And I’m sorry your coffee wasn’t what you’d hoped.
McDonald’s coffee products have been disappointing for years now.
I can share your pain from a similar experience, I once poured myself a cup of coffee and put my creamer in it thinking it was still hot, turns out I woke up late and the coffee was ice cold, disgusting.
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I bought a carton of blackberries. The ones on the edge looked great. The ones in the center were all mushy. Entire 12oz container just nasty.
I feel your pain about the coffee.
I call the burgers and nuggets boxes of sadness.
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Lol, I drink my coffee black with nothing. Sorry for the loss though. I know the feeling when ordering something and you get home and it’s something else. Always check it before you drive off, or leave!
a ruined carton of blackberries is far worse than a ruined coffee. that stinks.
And the fries stopped being good when they switched to vegetable oil.
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Dear Dairy,
This dwarf is not drunk enough. Someone send him back to the bar.
Just order two double cheeseburgers with lettuce, tomato, special sauce, and a large coke like a man.
I’m not above stuffing two cheeseburgers in my face, but it’s too early, they don’t sell them yet.
maybe next time 
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I’m glad I didn’t get into the coffee routine people have and get hooked onto it.
But yeah, I can relate.
I went in before work for a coffee, asked for a double-double and only got 2 cream, no sugar and it annoyed me that morning 
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How the heck do they sell breakfast all day but not the greatest fast food sandwich in the history of the world?
I’m going to Twitter if it’s still there to complain.
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McDonald coffee is so nasty. I used to think it was great but I don’t know what happened to it. Get what you pay for I suppose. Starbucks drains my wallet now.
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for about a year, there was a tim horton’s just down the street. it was a glorious year of some pretty good coffee. considering I only like super sweet coffee, I drank way more than I should have.
then they closed and I was sad.