I'm really really really good at disc, but i dont see the point. It's bad

I’ve cleared KSM on 7 characters MW, Rdruids, priests. I’m one of the best healers and my eu guild is top 1000. Incidently, i’ve played disc priest for over a decade and shields/atonement is second nature to me, i could play disc with my eyes closed at this point.

The problem is, the weight is too much now. It’s a gigantic burden to play disc and the payoff is literal peanuts. Disc takes 5 times the effort of any other healer, and since the nerfs it has about a 75% throughput of the other healers even when played at it’s maximum capacity. The damage isnt even there, being a damage class, i do not finish with any amount of damage after a run that made a difference that could be felt at all.

This is the worst state disc has ever been in, in it’s entire history. If we didnt have holy to swap to, then disc would get an instant 20% buff tomorrow, but since we do, it’s not a big enough issue for them to care. Disc needs some number buffs in the right places. Like, the spirit shell nerf should have come with a 20% atonement buff. This stuff is logical, but it’s obvious blizzard isnt going for logical, they love the merry go round fotm reroll to keep players “interested” in the carrot.

so sick of this, im shelving my disc priests, i may start a pally since some blizzard dev is playing one or something.


Disc priests are literally the most overpowered healer in existence. They are the jack of all trades and master of all. You need to time your ramps up better and perhaps switch up your stats to increase your dps. Their damage reduction spells alone put them above all healers imo and their damage to heal rotation makes the class feel so natural. They don’t need buffs at all. Maybe mana cost reductions but that’s about it booboo


You sure have free time for KSM 7 chars.


I don’t think disc necessarily takes 5x the effort of other healers in m+. But agreed otherwise.

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at least we’re ok in pvp…when we have mana T_T 100% agree with all you said

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Stop feeding the troll.


Stop feeding the troll x2.


From my perspective, disc has always been in the worst state it’s ever been in since the WoD design free-fall.

It’s like every tier disc is given some cheesy new talent, legendary, borrowed power or whatnot to make up for huge giant gaping design flaws and the general unbalance-able nature of a DPS healer. It’s always some OP shielding or borrowed power nonsense (and, rarely enough) just crazy high DPS for a healer that doesn’t scale properly.

If I were running things I’d return disc to its priest roots, make holy and disc 80%+ the same spec and just tweak a few details with just a few added special abilities… instead of what we have now which is two completely different alien specs and one always suffers compared to the other.


Good thing you’re not running things.


Trolling x 3.


Nah. OP is trolling. You took the bait and threw out a bad idea. 80% same spec? Very fun and innovative. :upside_down_face:

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Better than the clunky mess it is now. The best Disc has ever been was BC when Holy was the throughput spec while disc was the utility spec. They easily could of improved upon that design but instead WOTLK made Disc a shield spammer and then Cata gave us the clunky atonement BS and the rest is history.

Would much rather see it return to it’s roots and then make adjustments from there.


BC disc was just holy priest with PI lol

holy priest

holy priest

holy priest

holy priest holy priest holy priest holy priest holy priest



And .5 second MD 1.5 sec Mana burn, Divine Spirit, Pain Suppression, Focused Will, you know utility which is why it became the pvp spec.

Mean while holy had the throughput and Mana regen of clear casting procs, and AoE healing of Circle of healing making it the raid spec.

Not hard to see the differences. It’s also not hard to see why it was healthier and could easily of been expanded upon had it not been given spammable shields and later atonement.




Yeah, I’m calling b.s. on that. You would have to do over 500 M+ runs to manage to even achieve that and that’s a modest estimate.

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i multibox anything i can save time on, which is not much but it helps especially with leveling alts for progression and overpowered specs. Gearing 10+ characters at once is very easy this patch as well. You can get each one up to 1800 rating in 2s or 3s and sit them collecting vault 220ilvl freebies every week only needing to do a few RBGs at 0cr to cap and that gives you conquest for purchasable 220 gear.

No, you are way off. a rough estimate is around 200.

The only thing you’re above average at is trolling…and that’s only because of the shear amount that you do

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I lost.
You win, I give up. I’m going pally too.
You opened my eyes to see the light oh great lord top healer and top world 1000.