I'm really glad I farmed my epic mount in Phase 1

For someone who quit. They play a helluva lot more than I do. That’s impressive.


Troggs in Elwynn Forest drop shovels. You’re going to need one to find your way out of all that salt.


Burned how?

Oh right because I want no changes and there’s changes so I’m an idiot.

Good one man

I think it’s hilarious that it’s only the no-lifers that rushed to 60 and have been farming MC for weeks are the ones complaining about the “lack of content”.

It’s like bro, get a job or do your homework.

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dont care to read what you wrote dude

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I thought you were a math guy. There was some math in that post go check it out

I dunno man, there’s been what? 7 lockouts since launch? Unless they got bored farming gear they’d still be at it. Unless they glitched the layers.

Nah the ones who don’t have enough to do are likely struggling.

Wonder what blizz’s plan was for phase releases. Like in terms of timing.

Yeah 7 since launch, but most people that rushed to 60 have only been doing MC/Ony for 3-4 weeks tops.

The rest of us that have jobs/school(and actually do the homework instead of cramming it all in at the last minute)/family/RL obligations are still working our way to 60.

There’s no honor system or battlegrounds or “world objectives” in phase one.

Layer exploiting gave people the real advantages if you’re talking about gathering nodes, not epic mounts

I’ll give you saving time traveling, but in P1 again most people have 60% mounts anyways so any group activities are negated by waiting for those players.

The rest was just some sort of insult aimed at people who don’t want changes, so basically grasping at straws because your arguments are terrible

i am well aware, i just think this was one of the poor decisions for classic.


I just wanted to further emphasize this is exactly why it’s an achievement, because there’s no real need for an epic mount.

This is why those players should be rewarded with unique mounts.

I don’t get the bashing of players who worked to get their mounts in P1. I don’t get the defending of this change. Whether or not someone rushes to 60 has almost nothing to do with getting some unique mount. The people who want it are going to go for it and should be rewarded.

If they were so concerned about players rushing with this change, I don’t know why they’re releasing P2 only 2 months in.

Nobody puts down retail players who farm obscure titles like The Insane. So why is it acceptable to bash players with epic mounts? Next to farming some retail achievements this is literally child’s play

I don’t get the logic at all from these forums. Sounds like a bunch of retail players who hate the game

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I mean…you knew the mounts were the armored variant. If you’re mad that you spent all this time and effort to farm the mount, you only have yourself to blame.

It wasn’t a surprise.

I’m not mad because I bought my epic mount lol, I don’t like the unjustified change removing them

The epic mount itself is the reward.
Expecting a special reward because you did it SUPAR FASS is retail mindset and it reeks of entitlement.

You knew going into Classic that they did not have the OG epic mounts, getting upset that you didn’t get one in Classic is silly.

That’s interesting because I haven’t played retail for 10 years so I don’t even know what those words mean.

Not accepting changes in vanilla seems to me like a vanilla mindset. Anything else, whatever mindset you wanna call it, isn’t vanilla

That’s also interesting logic considering the world first Rag kill was done by players who I played along side with for years and were from exclusively vanilla private servers, not retail

I think you’ve got your wires crossed

why should you care? Didn’t you unsub? Oh wait…

Anything is better than farming Turdtollan rep for pathfinder.

I’m unsubbed because I care

Your dollars are a vote. I vote for no changes and a working game

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Pretty sure even grinding for gold is more fun than work.