I'm really glad I farmed my epic mount in Phase 1

He said he was going to quit over a week ago in another thread. Yet here he is. He’s so full of crap. Nothing can be trusted out of that liar’s mouth.


Current sub numbers are more likely stable than declining. You want to argue over the last 10 years, that’s not any indication of what’s happening now.

And how do you know that?

If there is any rise recently it’s only because of classic wow

I’m not a casual, I just have a job.

That’s my entire point. I, like many, have resubbed for Classic. The large number of us who wouldn’t be subbed otherwise, points to a spike in subs.

#boycottblizzard actually made its way to freaking Forbes, CNBC and was mentioned on Linus Tech Tips as well

That’s about as mainstream as you can get. Hell I bet even Fox News covered it

So what you’re saying is you don’t actually read anything.

That’s all you had to say man no need to make up lies

Oh? Did they say how many subs blizzard lost? I bet they have no clue…You made the claim. Give us the numbers and your source.

All I see is snowflakes defending blizzards continued poor decision making.

We don’t know because they were humiliated and stopped publishing sub numbers after each xpac continued to tank sub numbers.

He’s making it up.

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Mining mainly tbh. Dunno how I got that much gold with only like 2 arcane crystals dropping. People really wanted thorium IG

A simple google search will show you the graph of blizzards own published data showing their sub numbers free falling each year. Thick cnt

You’re way off topic. NOBODY but you is talking about expansions. He is claiming the hemorrhaging of subs is right now.

Dude are you literally a professional troll? You’re basically just noise shut up already.

I haven’t lied about anything. I am unsubbed, and yes Paypal did side with me and will refund my sub cost.

Just stop already it’s like you’re 10 years old

I’m not going to trust someone who lies and thinks artists can bug fix. Check the link to the other thread he made for his own words on that.

When he got called out on it, he went to the mods. Who rightfully told him to get bent. No action was taken.

Ravid, the feeling is mutual. Blizzard hates you too. They don’t care if I make fun of you.

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Thanks for the bump man

Grimmish is my professional thread bumper. Any post I make he bumps and I don’t even pay him.

Fun fact, in vanilla most people weren’t 60 by the time BWL released

Diremaul release was during a time that VERY few people were 60 (just months after the game released)

Hell Diremaul released March 7, 2005, EU wow launch was less than a month earlier, Feb. 11, 2005

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Sure thing. I can probably hijack this one like I did the other. You didn’t get what you wanted then, you won’t get it here either. As I said, the mods probably hate you too.

There’s 3 people here who are basically trolling full time and have officially done the job of knocking the conversation off the rails which was their goal.

They don’t want to have a conversation about the game. They don’t care about the integrity or quality or how true to form the game is.

They don’t want to discuss whether these changes were justified or not.

Their goal is to derail the argument into talking about unpublished sub numbers where everything is grey and they can drown the conversation in nonsense.

So back on topic. Removing unarmored mounts is a change that is unjustified and takes away one of the very few status symbols that sets players apart in the world

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I honestly would have been 100% okay with them starting us off with the 1.1 talent trees and class design, sans the bugs and progressing us via the phases.

Same with all the nerfed world mobs and leveling dungeons, they could have been the pre-nerf versions.

'course that’s not what blizzard wants, they want something easily digestible by the teeming masses that only want to punch loot pinatas and get upset when a boss mob in a non-raid instance 1 shots a cloth wearer who pulls aggro.

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You must be pretty damn important if they shot themselves in the foot by making you quit. How much stock do you own? 30% or something?