30 isn’t old.
A lot of people made their decision to buy or not to buy Dragonflight based on whether people like them were having fun. Obviously if you are a hypercompetitive person who bases their self-worth on bragging rights in a videogame you play, that would hold you back. But a lot of casuals who got the short end of the stick in Shadowlands waited, looked at what was actually implemented, and decided not to buy, which is why sales numbers were down so much that Actiblizzard had to report this to investors.
I honestly don’t understand some people. Like so many of you talk like you absolutely hate this game, the company, and everything about the way wow is
Anytime I’ve had negative feelings towards the game I simply just stop playing for a few months and so other things and don’t even think about it, let alone continue to log on and participate on the forums having nothing but negativity towards it.
I know alot of people left in SL and theres about the same amount of players in DF , i think in DF theres tons of casual content so im not sure what you mean
Didn’t Ion say the TBC flight would unlock at max level AND play thru the campaign AND explore the continents? I might have heard that wrong when I watched that deep dive video.
That’s pretty much a de facto pathfinder.
IF all the zones aren’t open on day one, then thats just pathfinder by any other name.
This is why I’m not buying anything until AFTER the expansion has been out for a few weeks to see what actually went live. Once TBC flying is readily available, then I’ll entertain the idea of buying the expansion.
This should start up around the 36 min mark. Where he speaks specifically about old school/TBC flying.
So as I understand it.
To unlock TBC flying you must
- Reach max level
- Explore all the Continents
- Play through the whole campaign
I don’t understand why there are people like you who see the world as haters who exist to annoy you, who refuse to worship a videogame and take pride in how much annoyance they are willing to put up with.
This is just entertainment. As long as it’s entertaining, people play. When it’s not, they don’t. It’s not up to you to decide that people don’t deserve to have fun if they aren’t willing to do free marketing for the game and spend thousands of dollars a year buying tokens. If everybody who had ever had any complaint about the game quit as you think they ought to have, the game would have died years ago.
I don’t get this “why do people log in and play a game when they are seething with hatred?” thing you wear on your sleeve. If you feel yourself surrounded by hatred, in a world where you think you are the only one playing the game right, and everybody else should just leave permanently, you are the problem. Not people who still enjoy playing the game but think it can and should be improved.
There’s nothing to understand on my end of things for you… the troubling thing I’m trying to understand is how mentally unstable someone can be to continue to pay for something they clearly don’t like, posting on forums trying to convince others to also not like it or support the company. It’s literal insanity and you should probably get checked out no joke.
A normal, sane person would just say “hey I’m not having fun, time for a break”, not you though. Like are you actually sitting there frantically rage typing here thinking that the devs even remotely care what Opalunaiya the level 19 Druid who doesn’t even play the game thinks? You’re wasting your own time and look like a fool
That’s your theory but you have no evidence to back it up. Those things may be your plus and minus points but what evidence do you have that “the players” in general agree with you?
Once again, let me show you the list I’ve been making over the past year or so of reasons people have given as THE ONE AND ONLY REASON why WoW is failing? ONE AND ONLY. It would be impossible for more than one of them to be right.
- When WOW was first created it was one of the only D&D like MMOs around. Now there are hundreds of new ones each year.
- In an industry where 5 years is middle aged and 10 years is an antique, WOW is an 18 year old game competing with tons of new technology.
- The trend these days is toward social media and mobile where WOW doesn’t play well.
- Some say it’s the story writting particularly in BFA and ShadowLands.
- Or it’s the toxic culture of the players that’s causing people to leave.
- Others point to specific abilities like “borrowed power” that have been taken away.
- Next we hear that it’s time gating
- Death. Wow players aren’t getting any younger, and younger players don’t share the same attraction to MMOs… particularly ones dominated by older people.
- The questing requirements are not long and grinding enough.
- The questing requirements are to long and grinding.
- They heard Activision say: “If you don’t like the game, go play something else.”
- or… “The game is not meant for you”.
- SL had too many mobs close together.
- The Horde/Alliance cold war.
- The China fiasco.
- No regular flying at expansion launch is what killed the game.
- Dear Blizz you cut this feature I loved so I quit.
- Fed up with the loot system/RNG
- Want an MMO with less focus on dungeons and raids
- They want RPG content
- No player housing
- Long server down times.
- People don’t like power systems.
- LFR !!!
- WoW is too hard core.
- Blizzard cut employee bonuses by 58% despite getting a strong fiscal year.
- In 2009 WoW = 5 button rotations, in2023 WoW = Massive 20 button bloat rotations.
- Blizzard managers have changed priorities from creating a good game to making money.
- Ending 10 man Heroic/Mythic
- The developers turned WoW into a lobby action RPG
- The content is throwaway/obsolete by the next patch
- Mythic + is killing Wow
- And now: Unique items have a sub cost
- And the number one reason people no longer like World of Warcraft …
You can cook food but you can’t eat it.