Im part of the problem

No I didnt pre order the 90 dollar edition for early access 3 days early isnt enough for me, for swtor it was 11 days.

However im still guilty of pre ordering the game, you should never pre order games. Why let them pocket money before they have even proven their product is any good?

I know though that no matter what I will buy the expansion unless im homeless because without the expansion I cant - Reach max level and play arenas. The primary reason i play wow.

I didnt even like the majority of what I saw. Im bummed they are doubling down on Dynamic Flight, at least TBC flight will still exist, but will there be another pathfinder in War within? Im tripping overmyself right now to finish up the old campaign in DF i didnt care about to access old flying in 10.2. Also bummed that 3/4 new zones will be UNDERGROUND what is this deepholm the expac?

Im not old or disabled, im 30 but I cannot STAND dynamic/dragon flying. I want old flying forever. Its a feature they copied from Gw2 and doesnt feel like wow to me.

I continue to spend money on blizzard/wow related stuff because im some kind of addict that also doesnt play any other games but Im part of the Whaleish problem that reinforces bad behavior from the Producers and developers to keep farming us for more quick cash.

That being said ive never purchased a blizzcon ticket / virutal ticket or any Merch but it doesnt matter I keep subscribing, buying shop mounts and buying tokens so im just as much a whale, especially since all I do is complain about whats wrong with the game yet continue to pay for it.


In ion’s interview, he said traditional flying will be available for all characters when they reach max level (no additional achievements required).

What I don’t understand is how they justify timegating traditional flight until max level when you dragon ride in the new expansion immediately when you log in for the first time.

I’m not going to complain because at least I can level quick and get traditional flying.

It’s just really annoying that they are putting this restriction on traditional flying - the only reason for it is they are upset that not everyone likes dragon riding and want to be spiteful.


:eyes: So I don’t know how to tell you this but


if they add pathfinder…AGAIN to these expansions then they’ll never learn lol
but dont be surprised if it suddenly comes up at the end of the expacs


We gonna need a bigger soapbox this Sunday.


Traditional flying is available on launch (but you can’t use it until max level).

Which is fine, that’s how traditional flying always was - except maybe cata? I forget when we could fly in cata, whether it was while levelling or at max level.

TBC - no flight until 70 (unless Druid for flight form at 68)

Wotlk - traditional flight in northrend at 80 (able to purchase cold weather flying for alts).

MoP- buy flying skill in Pandaria once you reach max level.

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Agreed. Even if I had lots of money, I wouldn’t preorder. On principle.

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Apology accepted.

Being a whale doesn’t make games more fun, people need to realize that.

It’s a mental thing, the desire to spend money. They’ve been conditioned to spend large, “deals and savings!” and whatnot, things the ordinary players pass on, like those 12 month subs.

Kinda like shopaholics IRL.

I’m a minnow lol, I’ll buy the game, and that’s it.

I’ll even buy it last-minute. I’m frugal lol.

I pre-ordered the deluxe edition of Dragon Quest Monsters 3. Same price as WoW’s top tier expansion and that’s a single player game.

I’m the same and I’ll buy it with tokens too I think. But I’ll complain like a big one :relieved:

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What the heck is a whale in WoW?

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I bought it because I know I’m going to play it.
I play WoW because I like the Warcraft universe. I don’t play other MMOs, I don’t particularly care for any others – I’m sure some are great.
But I do play WoW, and I will play TWW, and the others to follow.

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Removal of flight from leveling. Sorry, new players, you can’t get to that quest objective, come back when you reach max level to finish the zone. Sucks to be you.

After flight was implemented, they never went back and removed it from earlier zones and made you re-earn it for those zones, which is what Ion is saying is going to happen.

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Even though I am fairly dead on certain that I’m going to buy the next expansion, I still will not pre-order it. Knowing my luck my computer would crap out and/or some other issue would arise in which I couldn’t play it and then I’d just be stuck for the money.

I really just don’t see a need to pre-order anything online. It’s not like there’s only going to be a set number of copies at the video game store, those days are over.

what? they are going to be removing flight from other zones on release on the new expansion?

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That is entirely consistent with his wording.

Aww,hon, I wouldn’t call you a whale, or myself. I’ve already bought it plus the year subscription plus a token! I plan on playing WoW as long as I can.

I’m not one to fomo or even get on the 1rst week. I just enjoy the game. I take breaks, I don’t play everyday, don’t raid or dungeon, and barely stay caught up, but when I play I have fun.

I like having access whenever I feel like it. I don’t know when or how I’ll feel like not playing. I usually need the gold for gear or flasks as crafting and playing the AH aren’t very much fun.

Just because we pay for a game and a little extra doesn’t make us scum! Lol :butterfly:

what zones will flight be removed from?

I honestly don’t know how many times this needs to be said to everyone (not necessarily you, but this is a prime example of the problem around here)…

The Epic Edition is more than just 3 days of early access.

  • Guaranteed beta access
  • 30 days game time
  • Squally pet
  • Sandbox toy
  • Hearthstone toy
  • 1000 Tender
  • That’s on top of the Heroic edition stuff:
    – Enhanced Boost
    – Algarian Stormrider w/racecourses
    – Transmog that’s upgraded to a fancier transmog