The idea that Blizzard, one of the biggest game companies ever, doesn’t have the resources to release additional customizations every single patch as well as release content at a steady pace is frankly asinine.
She’s the lead art producer who works with other art producers (likely for different art departments - character, environmental, fx, etc.), who oversee other teams of artists.
For example, Jon McConnell in the video is not an art producer. That is not his job. He is a character artist.
Way to move the “goal post” there mate. You said “they are not the same team” but clearing they have their part in making that content. That is what I was pointing out. I doubt they have different art teams for “dungeons” and “mounts” i s all I was pointing out. So the art team is a part of the creation of all the content that requires a visual representation in the game.
No, the goal was always that the guys that make dungeons are different from the guys that make mounts, pets and transmogs. Yes, both teams use art assets created by the art team but the allocation of the art team members has never been whats held back the creation of new environments.
So no, I didn’t move the goal post, more like you chiseled and tilted at the goal post until it suited you.
One of my gripes about this game is they usually seem to focus on that highest tier of player.
I think players’ expectations of Blizzard are so low they know better than to believe it ever possible for them to add customizations each patch, but to say that for the remainder of Shadowlands (2 years) there won’t be a single moment for them to add customization is…ridiculous.
considering I look at my character face … just about never.
yeah. ignoring it sounds pretty good.
Expecting companies to keep their word? Nope let’s just let them backpedal whenever they want…
Imagine having to raid without a handlebar mustache . . .
“People who make player art assets are the same people who design and build dungeons/raids, and making a handful of necklaces and tattoos amounts to the same sort of work as designing a dozen new NPC models from scratch for a dungeon/raid,” says local buffoon.
Stop giving excuses for them to wallow in mediocrity.
“Lesser” MMOs manage to pump out constant content in addition to new features and maintaining side-features from previous expansions and adding player cosmetics like customization options and their equivalent to transmogs.
Kek only getting half the picture with this sort of post. They pander to top and bottom. Why all the hand-holding and information stripping from interfaces and automated directions? Cause blizzard’s philosophy is that if they can handle the top and bottom then all players in the middle will naturally be taken care of eventually.
No kidding.
Character features are content, just not content you prioritize likely. Many people would rather have more character customization and would gladly sacrifice having as many dungeons or megadungeons throughout an expansion and have those resources used for more character content, myself included.
And from the looks of it they haven’t done much work on the “content” either…gonna be hilarious when they release 9.1 and everybody complains about it being a buggy half developed mess… “but muh content!” .
People aren’t mad they aren’t doing anymore customization, they’re mad they said they were and changed their mind. They said customization was the reason we wouldn’t have a new race or class this expansion.
You’re bad at logix.
So… can anyone direct me to this content their making instead of cosmetics? Certainly they are putting some great new items in that cash shop.
But when it comes to Korthia we get a redo of an existing bear model and some existing maw assets.
And when we get to the next megadungeon we get… concept art?
It’s really bad when they don’t have more to show us on the upcoming content when I was bored with the in-game content 2 weeks after launch. It implies it won’t be ready until… August?
The only thing that I know they aren’t doing is character customization.
It couldn’t be that the people who are working on the megadungeon are the people who would be making the customizations… no no, that would make too much sense
Everything but Torghast has been pretty standard for the previous 2 expansions as stuff we could expect to be added. You do understand people are upset because they thought they would get more customisation in addition to this stuff right?
Instead they mentioned systems updates (something most of us could care less about because the systems are busted/unbalanced anyways) but don’t have anything concrete to show other than hinting that we’ll get more conduits on soulbinds…which is good?
To me it really feels just like BFA all over again…except we have even fewer dungeons and worse repeatable content with the terrible world quests and Torghast. Doing 3 islands a week was much more enjoyable than Torghast and actually rewarded me with cosmetics…something I thought Torghast was going to do but doesn’t.
More conduits=second azerite ring to make up for the fact soulbinds are not close to being balanced across the different covenants. Same reason we got extra azerite rings since some gear was insanely powerful with the best traits, and others were far behind. In 9.2 instead of neck essences we’ll probably end up with the ability to equip a second legendary as part of our power progression and I’m sure 9.3 with have some other kind of addition to our Soulbinds/Covenants as well. It’s been the SOP of Blizzard since Legion really of moving the goal posts each “season” except we’ve been getting more systems and less overall content from one expansion to the next.
I’m just glad I pay my sub with Blizzbucks. The only reason to login right now is to get paid for carries. I hope retail improves but their track record over the past few expansions leaves me believe it won’t. I’ll just keep my sub active so I can use the gold from carries to mess around in TBC classic for a bit at least.
I don’t believe this game will die anytime soon cause most of us are addicts or have that sunk cost fallacy keeping us here, but you can’t objectively look each expansion since WoD and not notice we’re getting less and less actual content at launch with less after launch content each expansion. At least in Legion most of this stuff was new, and for all it’s faults, it felt like the team in charge at that time was really trying to make a fun game. Advanced Leveling (which is what our Artifacts were) was something I remember people wishing for was added to the game for a while. Sadly the artifact trees themselves were pretty linear and boring so it became nothing but another grind which took the entire expansion to fix. Same with the Legendary items which seemed great, but the random nature of drops was garbage. When we finally got the ability to purchase them from a vendor Legion became a pretty great expansion. It just sucked it took so long for them to make those changes.
With BFA and SL the systems were even worse out of the gate than Legion. Since the “fixes” in Legion worked so well, it feels like the player is being taken advantage off since we stuck around through that slog, that sure they can make mistakes but the team believes they’ll get it right eventually and people will be happy. BFA though no one ever felt happy since their systems got more and more convoluted and busted as time went on. You were pretty much stuck playing 1 character with how bad essence acquisition was by the final raid tier until we got the vendor for them. Hey it worked in Legion though where people were happy when things got fixed at the end, it should work for BFA too (it didn’t though cause BFA didn’t have the same epic story/draw as Legion did IMO). With how bad Covenant balance is currently, and the mention of additions to them I’m pretty much expecting the same kind of crap as Legion and BFA but even worse this time.
Now getting onto content at least Legion and BFA had the same number of launch Dungeons at 10 compared to the 8 we got in SL. Then in Legion we had 3 zones added, 2 more dungeons, 1 mega dungeon, 1 small raid and 3 normal raids after launch. BFA had 2 additional zones and one Megadungeon, 1 small raid and 3 normal raids with a ton of reskinned/reused Areas for the final patch/Visions. The zone “phasing” in Legion for Invasions was put on steroids in BFA with Naga Invasion dailies, War Invasions, and the whole Visions invasions/phasing. Now in SL we’re getting at least 1 new zone, 1 megadungeon and a raid this patch. I’m actually a bit surprised we’re not getting “Maw” invasions into the SL zones but maybe that’s next patch
More Torghast (Choreghast or Boreghast are better names imo) isn’t even something that registers for a lot of us. I have a feeling I’ll be forced into it though to keep upgrading my legendary to higher levels as the soul ash needed increases…
My point going over all this is you can really see after Legion which was the first expansion with WQs, and Invasion “Phasing”, is that in BFA they did LESS by reusing old content with the tech they invented in Legion. We still got a decent amount of content, but a lot of it was re-purposed. SL is looking like we’ll be getting even less content since they aren’t really re-purposing much yet other than Torghast. We’ll have to see what the raid is like though, because if it’s just the same Torghast layouts with bosses that will be one big joke.
It really does feel like after all the old guys had their last hurrah with Legion though Activision’s bean counters are trying to get the current team to do more with less. First with BFA which if we’re all being honestly didn’t finish close to as strong as Legion did, and now SL which is losing engagement as fast or faster than WoD why would any of us expect them to pump more money into this game? It’s obvious why we’re not getting customisation and that’s because someone higher up in charge of money doesn’t see it being worth spending money on at this point.
If we end up with better working systems than Legion, and more content than Legion/BFA by the end of SL feel free to come back to this thread and say “I told you so”. I’ll eat crow, but I’m about 99% sure neither of those things will happen and more with less is going to be the way of retail WoW going forward.
Man, the Blizzard Defense Squadron sure likes to employ terrible strawmen arguments.
problem is there not even doing that… so tired of hearing we dont have time for this because content is the focus but yet there content is very bland and few and far between because they waste so much time giving us crappy system layred onto system that NO ONE WANTS. cough conduits cough coviants.