I prefer to pretend Shadowlands didn’t happen
I like the forest zone though.
I absolutely hated the “afterlife” aspect of the Shadowlands. I had to pretend it wasn’t an afterlife at all but just another alien planet we had opened a portal to. That was the only way I could even play the game, otherwise I probably would have quit.
It’s not just Shadowlands, it’s Star Trek as well. I think during the run of the series Captain Jean Luc Picard died at least three times and each time he was alive again by the end of the show.
The fact that the afterlife in WoW is just ‘more life’, reduced to one aspect, with even the threat of death (being turned into soul-dust and used as fuel)… it’s an astounding feat at how bad and unoriginal it is- it’s a copy of life yet worse.
It’s truly horrifying, and you’ll want to stay alive upon finding out.
Anything but Maldraxxus.
It looks terrible and probably smells like trench foot.
You completely missed the part where the 4 Covenants aren’t the end result for most people. There are other afterlives including one that the Arbiter can just make on the spot for an individual.
Trolls goto the other side after death, because the death loa has their back, ‘eh?
Yeah the whole death and super death thing was dumb
Personally I think the afterlife is one of those things you don’t write about because it’s so hard to make it good. Sometimes it’s good to leave a little up to the imagination.
Also, aren’t Death Knight steeds from the shadowlands? Why didn’t we see any?
In fact, there are several reasons, but the main reason is that it is called ambitious expansion.
You’re right, the afterlife is taken with a grain of salt, especially when you had many characters from the Warcraft universe who have died like Garithos.
Like BfA, which had to be more than 3 patches between several wars in Azeroth, Warfronts including a pvp, and a long war that would not only be the N’zoth war as shown by a leak from Kdavirs in the Stormwind dock.
Shadowlands was the same not to end in just 9.2, that is, more content in the maw, more zones in Shadowlands, more characters that have died in Warcraft such as Lothar, Dranosh or Garithos, and something else because Terenas warned if the Domination helmet was destroyed or did not have an owner, a Lich King.
But nevertheless everything went to waste, shortening the expansion like WoD, not having more content in Dungeons, only 8 dungeons and a Megadungeon like WoD, the complexity of the convenants, bad characters only to implement their agenda like Pelagos, and the worst Sylvanas lore that you have to learn that if it’s broken, don’t fix it.
All that was ruined in what would be the best expansion more than WotLK and Legion, it ended almost well, but for what? fewer answers, forget that the expansion existed, like on Blizzard, we finally have the World Soul saga, I no longer think we will see these expansion problems.
Shadowlands could’ve worked just fine as an alien abstract death world instead of making it an afterlife, or tying it into that cosmic chart that has honestly been the bane of WoW’s lore existence ever since it was implemented