I'm looking to roleplay

As the title suggests, I’m looking for an RP guild. At this point, faction doesn’t super matter to me. I do lean toward the Horde, but I have a soft spot for void elves. I like military RP as well as House RP, though I’m not looking for anything of the… let’s call it the intensity of the Brotherhood of the Horse. They go a little far for my liking, which isn’t to say it’s bad, just not what I’m looking for. I’d like something lore-adherent as well. If anyone has suggestions, please let me know. I’m looking to make some RP connections and OOC friends. Thanks!

Edited for personal reasons.

Sure, I’d like to learn more about this. But I am keeping my options open, just in the event it’s not really my thing, y’know?

Idk why but this made me laugh :man_shrugging:

At any rate! We do have a discord for networking amongst the server, and you’re welcome to join!

Are you some sort of mind reader? Because I stopped playing a few weeks back and left that discord because i didn’t think I would be back. Turns out, I’m an addict. Anyway, I was just thinking today, “Man, I need to find that discord again,” and there you are.

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:smiley: Well I’m happy to accidentally help!

Edited for personal reasons.