what would happen if a worgen bit a zandalari
Let my final post on this forum state that Mme Enekie did appear on my doorstep on a gloomsome winter’s eve clad head to heel in darkest black, whereupon she proceeded to lower her veil to a reveal a visage most fearful and serpentine. As a startled shout escaped my lips she did spew forth a caustic venom into my unshielded eyes before turning and vanishing into the night, leaving only a note wherein she threatened to return and “finish the job” should I ever dare speak in favor of the Horde in public again. Be thee warned, fair citizens, of this most uncouth and dastardly menace.
Letting people know where to find you on gloomsome winter’s eve. Rookie mistake.
All I’ve ever really seen is staunch Horde players screaming their throats bloody in impotent rage whenever Enekie points out things that are pretty much as obvious as night and day, so.
Yeah, Enekie points out weird stuff that the Horde does, both from Blizzard’s viewpoint and the players. It’s not even that bad if you can relax and not take things personally.
Honestly though, it’s better to take the leveling experience with a grain of salt Hordeside, since you’re going forward, then backwards, then forwards again. Way better overall to just go “Oh, that’s what they dealt with” and dismiss it into the back of your mind. With how the Horde changes leadership so often throughout the expansions, if you try to keep it as a cohesive story, you’re gonna have a bad time. Look at it like a history lesson where the books are all mixed up because grandpa’s been drinking.
Stuff like “Baine approves of genocide”?
I think all the jumping around time would help if you could stay in the 1-60 zones until you are level 80. It also might make leveling feel better. Atleast this way the allied races only go back in time once and move forward rather than. Cata>Outland/or Northrend/Cata/or MoP>WoD>Legion>BfA.
Maybe we can have a world revamp again someday that brings all continents up to the time and you can pick a single one to get max lvl with. I wouldn’t mind lvling in Pandaria for every character I make lol
Baine is a spineless loser who couldn’t be bothered to make a stand when countless civilians were set on fire, but one deadite somehow shook him. I know this is difficult to process but it’s one of those “plain as day” things.
Ah, so an absence of evidence is the proof then.
Blizzard didn’t show Baine’s reaction, therefore, he approves.
I apologize but I’m not going to get into an argument about things like that. I’ve only just really returned to these forums so it’s simply not my place - I’ve had good experiences with Enekie over the years and that’s about all I wanted to put in.
rofl yeah this is getting stupid already, I can already smell “but hear me out, is it really genocide” cooking on the horizon.
I have literally no dog in a race over a person I have no reason to pretend to care about but it’s always hilarious to me to see the who and the how of these types of arguments and discussions.
Like, honestly, I think I’ve seen at least an instance of every regular with either a garbage perspective, or a garbage attempt at expressing their perspective.
I dunno the what and the why and the how of how people do their totem pole of nonsense but the hills everyone chooses to die on are absolutely wild.
I’ll die on my hill of Rastakhan and Zul being an adorable pairing, had the whole, y’know. Old God thing not happened.
Enekie has always been kind and understanding with me, even when a number of others have not been. No hand-wringing rando with an axe to grind is going to convince me differently. That’s a hill I’ll die on.
I get that Enekie’s very anti-Horde in her dialogue, and makes generalisations about Horde players from time to time, as evidenced by Keelhaul’s post.
I’d also suggest we’ve all likely made generalisations from time to time, and if you searched our post history, you’d be likely to find us making a generalisation.
That aside though, Enekie regularly states her point of view - a point of view I personally often don’t agree with, but never one that’s entirely devoid of reason. But, like… it’s a discussion forum. Is it really so big a problem that someone’s disagreeing with you that you need to resort to personal attacks and insults? That’s what bothers me. We don’t need to personally attack anyone.
is anyone else struck by the irony of enekie’s thread being invaded and run partially off topic by people talking about how mean and obsessive enekie is
When Baine is supposed to be one of the main faces of why Sylvanas is bad for the Horde, I think Blizzard not showing his reaction to the biggest event of the whole expansion says something pretty dire about the writing.
I’ve always sorta handled leveling through old content as taking a tour of the place and dealing with stuff that kinda stuck. You know, like you’ll never really deal with the entirety of a giant naga army so your dude goes in there with the routine patrol and drives em off.
Alternatively, time bubble.
I remember someone in Discord not long ago posting a screencap of the throne room, where, if you accept the right quests, Nazgrim, Garrosh, Sylvanas, and Vol’jin all appear in the throne room, and in basically random, weird spots. Three of them claiming to be Warchief.
I’m not saying it’s simple, but surely there’s a better way to handle an ongoing story in an MMO.
To be honest, I think that if Blizzard does the “Time Capsule” thing, they should keep that capsule 100% sacred.
I ran into a new Forsaken RPer recently who knew Sylvanas was Warchief, but had exactly zero idea that Undercity had been lost. As far as he knew, he still lived and worked there.
I feel like the whole thing would be easier to explain if, for the cata-era quests, Garrosh was Warchief in Orgrimmar. It’d require the most minor of phasing to put him back. When the player hits level 90, for the WoD stuff, make it Vol’jin again. It doesn’t need to be Sylvanas at all, until the player hits level 100 and begins the Legion quest experience.
I dunno if I’m phrasing this well, but Blizz should either stick to their time capsule idea, or update the world. At this point, I think a world update would 100% be best, but it could lead to issues of its own. Either way, the inconsistency is a massive problem, and if you want me to properly experience the Cata story while doing the Cata quests, then leave Garrosh as Warchief during that time period, and only acknowledge Sylvanas when it’s relevant to the story. It’s confusing as hell for new players, and just plain weird and stupid for experienced players.
I’m usually pretty happy with what Blizz does but damn me this ticks me off xD This and the in-game timeline, but that’s a purely RP issue. This 1 expansion = 1 year thing is annoying. At least make it real time xD