Hey now, they at least had coyote tails to go with it…
even though tails belonging to reptiles would be the better choice since reptiles tend to often store fat reserves there on top of more muscle.
Hey now, they at least had coyote tails to go with it…
even though tails belonging to reptiles would be the better choice since reptiles tend to often store fat reserves there on top of more muscle.
You know what’s sad? The night elves aren’t really purple anymore.
Cannibal’s list of Blizzard quotes regarding Garrosh is a must-read.
Do you self flagellate before playing a dirty evil horde character in order to feel a level of shame every horde (especially Orc) player should feel for playing such a horrible faction of hitler babies?
One big criticism I have of the quest experience overall is the sheer temporal disjointedness of the whole thing right now. Especially when they try to band-aid the timeline by saying “Sure, you can hand in your quests to Sylvanas as a new Death Knight”, but then… As you mentioned, the whole thing is topsy turvey. We can literally quest under the orders of four Horde warchiefs right now.
Like, I get that content gets old. But at least make it go in some form of order, Blizz. Jumping back and forth confuses everyone.
Edit: I feel the need to add this glorious video in. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifr7thvsATs
That’s just unnecessary and rude. I get that Enekie’s a pretty-well-known anti-Horde sorta person, but responding to it with this is going waaaay too far, and quite deep into personal attack territory.
I get that I’m not the forum police or anything, I can’t control what anyone posts. But yeah, that just seems like a really over the top thing to say.
With the amount of venom that person has spewed toward Horde players, PVPers, or anyone that disagrees with them over 8 years… it is well deserved.
That’s some dedicated obsession with Enekie.
Anyways, the disjointed timeline stuff has been a problem for A While and Blizzard has said they’re probably not going to change it. Someone already mentioned it up above but the company is okay with each expansion being a time capsule. Honestly that would be fine if there weren’t so many contradictions throughout that content. There’s also so, so much context that you lose out on even if you do go through things by the timeline.
It’s mildly better Alliance side since we’ve only lost Varian, but there have been more catastrophic events in general to make up for that. I’m curious to see, going forward, how janky and disjointed the burning of Teldrassil will feel, for example, or the loss of Undercity.
I definitely do miss the days of vanilla, but that was because it had no focus. We had no singular Big Bad Guy. That let each zone have its own story (again, as mentioned above) without jamming everything into one pile of garbled plot threads. No Arthas, no Illidan, no Sylvanas. Just Hogger.
Hogger. All the villain we ever needed.
Oh, and Mor’Ladim in Duskwood
I’ve been here for a while now even before I started posting more regularly and I’ve been able to observe this for some time, and what you’re proposing just hasn’t actually happened. Like, you’re just flat out objectively incorrect and need to drop it.
Ye. Stuff like Mor’ladim’s much more narrowly-focused stories were far more satisfying than the huge wannabe-GoT style arcs that we have now.
Agreed. And somehow, they ended up far more memorable because of it.
Remember when Blizzard almost destroyed the lasting impact of Mor’Ladim’s quest-line by having Sarah Ladimore join the Legion?
Multiple people have erected multiple homes in their heads for me to live in and they graciously don’t charge a dime in rent.
I feel like a decent fix would be to just have the characters meet with Lorewalker Cho before each expac and he basically says the Pandaren equivalent of: “listen, this doesn’t make sense, but here’s a story about how things used to be.”
I am still legitimately mad about what happened in Duskwood during that rogue quest.
LIKE, it’s actually a twist I can see happening, and it certainly had a punch. And we know the Legion is super good at making local cults and Duskwood is fairly insular and great territory for that sort of thing. But I really liked those NPCs.
I want to sulk around in dark chain mail with a lantern going “Remember the Night Watch!” The real tragedy the Legion inflicted on us.
Because Horde players invest an insane amount of their self-esteem in these things. Part of it is they’ve had three expansions where the story has told them their faction is the only one that matters, part of it is that the Horde is defined in every aspect of itself by its opposition to the Alliance and part of it is that this created a culture where we got people who make death threats and stalk people when they lose.
You’re going to have to work a little harder than that to prove they’re spewing venom, sorry.
No need to apologize. After all, if Enekie’s pissed off tons of people over the years, to the point where their name is associated with trolling and bitterness, it must not be anything they’ve done, right?
I’ll be honest, part of me feels sorry for Enekie for whatever happened to them in Wrath and MoP, but holding onto that bitterness and venting it against people and communities has made them a lot of enemies out of people who normally would’ve been entirely indifferent to them.
If Enekie is what qualifies as bitterness and venting around here, then our community rivals the most peaceful mountaintop monasteries.
gotta love the time-traveling worgen-slash-zandalari