I'm leveling a tank because

I got tired of looking for them.
I’m quite thrilled about it, too.

Anyone else make the decision to reroll so late? I only wish I was in tbc content sooner!
inb4someoneboostme :sweat_smile: :rofl:

Exercise caution my friend, you are going to have a hard time finding a competent guild to play with as a tank.

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No, because the 2 classes I want to play can’t take. Else, I would tank.

I’m on Pagle, and I put together basically every group I run. I think I’ve spent max 5-7 minutes looking for a tank for one dungeon. I definitely feel like on average it has been less than 5 minutes.

I even considered making my own, knowing this… However I’m actually too lazy. So I guess i’ll subject myself to the pain til i find the right one? haha

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Meh. There’s always a need in any Guild for more than the 2 main Tanks for 25’s. A 25 man Guild needs Tanks for multiple Kara runs each week and for multiple Heroic 5 man groups.

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Accurate but why would I want to tank in a guild that doesn’t take me to gruul/mags? personally I wouldn’t tank for a guild unless I had a guaranteed spot in the “main” raid.

How we solved this in my guild is that every tank we have is expected to have at least two tanking toons and tank two Kara’s a week for the guild, that gives us a 6 runs to work with between 3 tanks in the guild. We just recruited a 4th tank today and i’m pretty confident he’s going to leave in a couple weeks because we just don’t have a gruul/mag spot for him unless we make a second gruul/mag raid.

That works but is a lot to ask of the Tanks in the Guild. I guess it depends on where your Guild falls in the Casual>Sweaty scale.

I’d prefer to have the Tanks not slotted into one of the two spots for 25’s have off spec’s ready which I feel is easier to maintain than asking them to having multiple toons. It’s nice to have more than 2 Tanks for those inevitable times when one of your 2 mains can’t make a raid night, etc.

It worked for us because that was our upfront expectation (if you’re not willing to do this then do not pass go, do not collect $200). Officers also carry the expectation of having two-toons. It is pretty sweaty, I just can’t get in the mindset of being ok with not having a raid-spot.

All good. Whatever works for you and your Guild. There’s no right and wrong way to play.

I’m turning my Classic 60 Holy Paladin into a TBC Protection-spec tank just for random Dungeon/Heroics/Kara fun & a change of pace when I am not in the mood to play my Shaman main. She is in mostly BWL Judgement tier gear & such now (I always stuck to plate armor in Classic even when it wasn’t the most min-max Holy/Healing choice), so that will have to do to get her started. Going to hit Ramparts this coming week to try her out.

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