Im kinda angry about Twitch Prime Rewards

OP they were sold like what, 8 years ago?
You haven’t been hard done by.

Then also don’t buy anymore expacs because they become free after the new one comes out.

You don’t get anything new then?
It happens.

i am also fairly certain that when they vaulted these and the old store mounts they had a disclaimer that said that they may return in some shape or form in the future

does that matter? at the time if they told me i wouldnt have bouht it.
they didnt say anything of the such therefore i am pissed

different product.
god help me im literally 2 steps away from breaking ToS.

You are talking about three helms. That’s a whole expac. Yeah it’s a different product. One is much more expensive.

I’m mad because Blizzard has released so many expansions its not practical for new subscribers to have to buy all of them in order to play the game. They have made my games have no value.

This is you right now, except with your precious transmog being used for a promotion. If you’re so upset, never buy another cosmetic again and hope that maybe it becomes part of another promotion in a decade that you can weasel for “free.”

no. they are not an expansion.
they are helms.

im sad i wasted my time on a troll. done with you.


You’re mental gymnastics-ing so hard to get there. Trials and grants are still paid, someone is paying for those somewhere along the line. Say someone signs up for Prime trial for 30 days and cancels it just to get a worthless WoW hat. They just burned up a month of Prime shipping, a month of Twitch sub, a month of items for about 50 games, all have value. How you expect people to design around problems that only exist in your mind?

Lol, I’m the one trolling when you came in here determined to throw a fit about $30! Hilarious!


you still have a small chance of being considered a rational person.

your saying that a free 30 day trail equals the same as me paying 30 bucks for 3 helms?
thinking you are getting to be a troll too.

Frankly, it is more valuable. They can’t use that account for a trial again for a long time, next time something come along they want, they gotta pay. It help everyone. You should be happy WoW is advertising on a huge service, it help everyone too.

i love these threads.


no disagreed. considering you a troll.

im starting to regret making it and not just going directly to blizz.

Honestly, with how you are acting, I don’t think you are one to judge on that sort of thing. Do you also go into stores and demand your money back when things go on sale months or years later?

The terms of items in the store are listed and can change at any time. You don’t own this stuff, nor what they do with it in the future. You are paying to lease the stuff for the life of the game or for however long your account is active. You are not buying the rights to determine what they do with items they make with their license.

I could see if this were maybe a couple weeks to a month after you bought it. Not years. That’s just odd behavior.

You being objectively incorrect and ranting about something that doesn’t exist is trolling, not the people trying to talk you down from histrionics :stuck_out_tongue:

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thats completely different then free. id be fine with it.

Amazon Prime is not free. I spend over $100 per year for it. You spent $30 years ago. It’s definitely different but not in the favor of your argument here.