redraft after calm.
just my opinion. would have liked maybe a upgrade on the ones who bought it. not a refund but just a simple kiss on the cheek from your old pal blizz.
Prime is more than $10 though.
If it makes you feel batter, you got those cool mogs years before it was cool. And you get to call everyone else posers
You paid to get it then. Should I be mad that people don’t have to pay over $200 to get all the past expansions like I did when they were current?
So you bought a $10 hat almost a decade ago and you didn’t get your moneys worth out of them? The store page didn’t make any grandiose claim that you would be the one true owner of the hat. They used a hat for advertising on Prime Loot that they didn’t promise was FOMO. If you can’t handle the nuances of hat ownership, consider a new hobby!
i’m just mad it wasn’t something new already had. draenei’s are to cute for helms anyway.
difference. product.
theres free ways to get prime.
why are you putting words in my mouth? begone troll.
Then explain what it is you are upset about. After re-reading it, I still come to the same conclusion that this is what you are trying to express.
$5 says he never wears them and just wants to whine.
I won’t take this bet with you, or any bet, but I don’t disagree. They probably wore them for a few months after they purchased them.
I bought them and I’m not mad. They are digital pixels in a game. Why would I be mad. Who cares if they are offered or not.
Did they give gold refunds back to those who paid all those gold costs for mounts and training in Vanilla when the prices were later reduced?
Did they give refunds for duel spec training when it was removed?
Refunds for flying training for Wrath and MoP?
Refunds for people who bought each expansion as it came out but can now get all of them for one low cost?
Answer is no and to be made over tiny pixelated helms that majority of the player base probably doesn’t even use is a little ridiculous.
I bought all 3 in the going away bundle and never wore them myself. 2 of them are just fugly. The fire horns are pretty good though.
you had the benefit of having them when others couldnt.
stop being entitled
you deserve nothing.
Do tcg mounts next so we can get more funny GD posts.
Make up your mind. Is this about the product or the money you spent on that product?
I bought the red helmet that I liked, and I wear this one. I use it on one character only, this is mainly because I prefer to go without a helmet on my characters.
you might just be the real ion.
people are getting free what i paid for.
incorrect, Deathknight loves the helms.
all of that is not irl cash.
difference, product.
oh, did i not see the clear " this will be free in x years " ??? if i knew that i wouldnt have bought it.
fine by me tcg is less possible.
the difference is one product depreciated in value while the other did not. old expansions had max level content that people bought it for, the previous expansions outside of current have zero value imo.
it’s not free. you have to be subscribed to prime.
TheReS frEe WaY tO gEt pRiMe