I'm kind of tired of specs with "medium" cooldown abilities

rogue is easy. just average around 300 apm and you are golden.

I’ve taken to writing up a couple of basic macros for myself, namely I threw Symbols of Death and Secret Technique onto a macro that also does Eviscerate, so it will pop Symbols off cooldown, then it will also do Secret Technique instead of Evis whenever it’s available.

I also bound Shadow Dance into Gloomblade.

So, that reduced a few needed buttons. Thankfully, a while back (I think around Shadowlands) Blizz took most of the cooldown buff things off the GCD to make such macros workable. Is it perfectly efficient? No, I’m gonna waste tons of uptime on shorter encounters and single enemies, but at least it’s a servicable way to make Subtlety feel a bit more playable without leaving a bunch of features unused.