I'm just going to say it. Mythic+ is and at its core, fundamentally a mistake, and anti WoW

Honestly, just ignore them. They spam replies to everyone they disagree with hoping to get a response then latch on once they do. They constantly try to figure out a way to get you to respond. Nothing drives them into a rage harder than you ignoring them.


The two of you just don’t make sense is the problem.
People don’t disagree with you for the fun of it. It’s not fun losing braincells explaining to durps why they’re durpy.

Yes. I want to have fun. I also want good rewards. I’m fine with grinding for longer rather than speedrunning and optimizing. I like playing with chill groups. I don’t want to be forced to play with sweats. I want to play the game in a way that is fun, with people I want to be around, AND get good rewards!

Lord forbid.


If that’s the only content they’re here for…oh well…

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You know…there is an easy solution for that. It’s called finding friends that want to play the way you do instead of asking Blizz to redesign the entire system to meet your wants.

And I’m sure you and your friends can “chill” your way to mythic raid gear. Lol, no you can’t. Now you’re just being silly.

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People are ridiculously neurotic about timers. I’ll never understand it.

You execute the run decently and you have DPS who are at least passable and you’ll time the dungeon every time, often +2 it even.

The idea that any dungeon that has a timer is automatically a “speedrun” is ridiculous.


nah that takes time and effort, i’d rather the non-toxic mentality just not be actively discouraged by the in-game systems.

I want that. You ask me, they should just bring back the ICC-style buff and make it stronger. It scales too slowly. 5% per week, up to 50% starting after the first month. With an option to turn it off. Wanna tryhard? Find a buff-off guild that prides themselves on that shebang.

I want this. I don’t want silly casuals like yourself to take over the game, There are spaces for you to be a casual and plenty of them. Otherwise, go play hello kitty or something if you’re that butthurt over it. The world changes and evolves as always.

Casuals were always the majority of the game. The biggest hemorrhaging of players was from said casuals.

As you say “good riddance”

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At least they’re throwing us a bone with housing.

It’s not what everyone wanted, sure, but it’s 100% aimed towards casuals more than anyone else.

100% agree.

M+ and arena are the biggest mistakes in WoW. Attempting to make wow an eSport has ruined those two areas. PvP has never been the same since arena was introduced and dungeons have been crap since M+ was introduced.

Stupidest things in wow


Housing is probably one of the best things they could’ve added for casuals. I have enough mounts and transmog stuff that I don’t feel compelled to seek out these types of cosmetics, but housing decorations will rekindle that feeling.


Oh for sure.

It’s a new ‘cosmetic pillar’ and after we’ve got so many mounts, they lose their appeal.

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We had garrisons before, no one really cared for them.

So…smaller versions of raids
Sounds like its exactly as its meant to be

Throw a bone?

“Casuals” get the most content on an expansion to expansion level

Everything is designed under the guide of “can a casual player complete this content”.

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Alright, let me rephrase- casual content that’s actually worth a darn.

Siren’s Isle is ‘for casuals’ but it’s just flat-out terrible.

Most stuff for casuals is just a stepping stone and forgotten about shortly afterwards because it wasn’t designed to last, like world quests and renown.

If you’ve been doing it even casually, you’re maxxed-out by now.

DF Time Rifts are a good example of casual content done right. Replayable, good rewards, and decently fun.

Housing is a new, permanent pillar, that’s enormous like Delves were.

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Well now youre moving goalposts from “casuals” to “what i want”

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Lower m+. Lower raid difficulties. Delves. World content.

Are you saying absolutely nothing in WoW is worth a darn?