I'm just confused on the Covenant selection system

So, after a few months of on and off playing, I was finally able to select my covenant and it’s been cool, but I saw that after you get there with one character, you can skip to covenant selection on other characters and I was wondering if that’s just for newly created characters or also for existing character.
When Shadowlands began, I had two mains, I started the quests on both but I only continued into the Maw with one of them and the other is still in Stormwind, waiting to meet with the Death Knight dude and I wondering if I can skip the zone’s introductions and just select my covenant and go from there on that one?

After beating the main campaign on one character, future characters, following the maw intro quest, will be prompted if they want to re-do the campaign or if they want to “Threads of Fate.” Threads of Fate is the option that will skip the campaign, let you pick a covenant instantly, unlock world quests, and unlock dungeons to level up in.


Oh ok, thanks!

While Irrenhaus is correct, it’s worth mentioning that it’s a per-account basis. In other words, only the first character on each account has to play through the storyline. If you have multiple accounts, you’ll have to do the storyline on at least one character per account.