I'm in! OMG!

Servers are coming back up for now!

EDIT: 7:40pm CST Back to the login screen again.

I got kicked off! How dare you take my spot!


Jokes on you, immediately DC’d


Same here but the UI reset and all my saved ones are gone.

Only 5 minutes of my time to fix that though.

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Yeah sadly, this won’t last long but I got to see the land once again!

Got in. Went to turn in quest. Kicked out.



Also back in.

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Lets hope it keeps going this way, lots of people really upset, hate to see a community in an uproar on a day where we are supposed to be excited for.

Stuck in a perpetual load screen. C’est le vie


I just find it funny they had a big Twitch event going on. Now everyone can see how smooth this launch has been. Great PR


im in too but everythings fuked lol

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Rip! just got disconnected. I got to see the great land for a bit…but now it’s back to the shadowlands for me

Yeah loading any other character is fine. The one in Durotar not so much. I’d give anything to be reset somewhere else :confused:

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Yeah, I got in on my deathknight in stormwind but no boat showing up, lots of people waiting though.

Every time I “Get in” its just another immediate DC. So much fun.

kicked out as soon as i loot or talk to an npc, game needs to be reset but their silence on the topic shows volume

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Stormrage trying to take all the requests right now:


Doesn’t matter when you get in because there is no boat or zeppelin

hahahahaha this is awesome!

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I got in but looting took 3 minutes and I couldn’t turn in quest so I logged off. Might try again later tonight.