I'm Having a Great Time with Mists of Pandaria Remix BUT

I’m having a lot of fun replaying an accelerated Mists of Pandaria experience. I have been playing a class that I wouldn’t normally play (anything melee, but specifically a Fury Warrior) with it being a better experience than I was expecting. I have been leveling up mostly by questing (I’m about 1/2 of the way through the quests), with a few Scenarios, Dungeons, and Raids here and there. I haven’t taken any of it very seriously (e.g. making outlandish builds or farming for transmogs), and I am generally just taking the game play experience as it comes. It has being genuinely enjoyable. :+1:

I started a second character with the explicit goal of just getting it to level 70 as fast as possible. I’m doing this by spamming Scenarios, Dungeons, and Raids, with questing being a time filler while waiting in the queue. I have been saving my XP bonus pickups by not looting them and having them sent through the mail. At about level 40 I used up about 2 dozen of them to level up to about level 55. Not bad for a few hours. I’m hoping to be at 70 in a few more hours of play time. :+1:

I have mostly been using my Bronze to upgrade my gear. That said, I have purchased a few collectables here and there (mostly Transmogs). I have also gotten some toys and mounts along my journey. Again, I’m not taking any of it that seriously, enjoying the what I find and buy at the reasonable pace the game seems to be dishing them hour organically. I am not interested in farming or grinding for anything and yet feel quite satisfied. :+1:

The long and short of it, I would be happy to engage in similar expansion Remixes in the future should they become available, HOWEVER, I do have some critiques about the format in which Mists of Pandaria Remix has been presented. For brevity I’ll list them out in bullet points below. I’d love to read your replies and arguments for or against my opinions, so feel free to engage me with conversation.

  • While I have been enjoying the wacky Gem mechanic, and I think it would be fun to engage with such mechanics in future, I would also enjoy a more true to the original experience. I know that we can currently get this through Chromie time, I just want to go on record as saying that while Remix is a good addition to the game play experience, I wouldn’t want it to replace the current version of Chromie Time.
  • The Remix experience as a limited time event for future expansions seems like a good idea to me BUT I really am at the limits of how many characters (alts) that I can reasonably manage in my roster. I really don’t need more characters. I would, however, enjoy taking one of my existing characters back down memory lane. I feel like this should be an option for future Remix experiences.
  • I would like to see a mechanism by which a character wasn’t confined to the linear questing paradigm. After completing the Campaign and Side Quests once, there’s really very little incentive for me to want to do it again in quick order with a second character. Being able to skip the campaign entirely with a variety of World Quests out there to engage with would be a better experience. I know that this isn’t something built into Mists of Pandaria, but perhaps for future Remix installments, it could be worked in.
  • Finally, while it can be fun to be completely overpowered in Scenarios, Dungeons, and Raids, for a limited amount of time, I don’t really see much replay-ability in such an activity. Spam running instanced content, spending most of my time running around looting mobs while trying to catch up to the vanguard of the party/raid, while getting locked out of the 30 second boss fights, doesn’t really do it for me. Fighting beefed up trash and bosses with crazy over the top abilities, where there are opportunities to die and fail are way more my vibe. Maybe this is what is available in the Heroic mode, I have yet to find out BUT the guild has been working towards setting that up in place of our normal Retail raid night activities. We shall see.

Let me know your thoughts on this topic. :cowboy_hat_face:

Yeah those came first in legion, fat chance that if any expansion before Legion is remixed, that it would include world quests.

It’s a limited time event, few would have time to waste on difficult content when the only reward out of it (heroic) is a title.

I play games for the experience of them. I’m a “the experience is the reward” kind of guy.

Crazy gem abilities weren’t in MoP either but I don’t disagree with you entirely.

Yeah you do. But seeing the number of frogging happening at the beginning, and the following rage when it was nerfed, few seem to share your opinion.

There are a lot of people that enjoy going to the casino to play slot machines all day too. Should WoW also be designed with a similar “Race to the Bottom” design paradigm?


I keep wanting to do professions but I understand why they aren’t there.

The only profession I have seen is fishing.