I’m sorry if its not the cool thing to say right now but I’m going to say it…
I love WoW… WoW is and always has been my go to game, my “home” away from home as it relates to MMOs/online gaming, and I will never abandon it.
Could things be better? Yes. Does Blizzard have many things they need to take to heart and improve upon/change? Absolutely. Am I going to leave WoW for FF14, New Worlds, Etc., Nope.
I’m a WoW loyalist, hate me for it shrugs I love this game.
Your opinion shouldn’t be judged by others, nor should matter to others.
People need to stop pretending like WoW is a marriage. Everyone can play what they want, the way they like and all that matters is that people are happy in their opinions and decisions.
I’m not feeling the same way. Am I going to quit WoW forever? Probably not. Am I logging in right now? No. There’s nothing interesting to do anymore.
The game feels small and empty because of their design direction. So much has been built over the last 16/17 years and all we have to gain anything from is a limited amount of content that looks like the textures were inspired by dog poop.
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don’t EVER feel shamed by the woke crowd to speak your feelings. You have a right to free speech and your own opinion even if they want to shame everyone who says they still love WoW which is what a lot of them have been doing here.

But if you’re enjoying the game, you’re enjoying it OP. So no shame in that.
It’s fine to love WoW. Anyone who is shaming someone for liking WoW needs a life. It’s a game and if you’re having fun that’s great.
I’m… not really having fun, but I also want to do the content that I find fun so I’m hoping that once my monk is a bit more geared, it’ll be easier to enjoy it. Overall, I want WoW to get better and go back to what makes it fun.
But I’m genuinely glad some people enjoy it and still do.
Funny that you went there. I actually was thinking of the “Blizzard is baaaaad” sheep that would go after him.
I thought you were gonna say you didn’t care I broke my elbow. 
Bless you, adventurer.
If you like something and you’re not hurting yourself or others, then you don’t have anything to apologize for.
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What really makes the game for me are the friends I play with. If they leave the game, then I leave the game no matter what I think about the game. They are the key to the enjoyment of this game.
Because…it’s a game.