I'm gonna rant again, even thou class design team clearly doesn't care one bit

And to think it’s almost bearable on certain other classes’ specs… Almost.

Yeah, it kind of quickly degenerates to “Well at least there’s one Cov’s worth of one spec in one build (and maybe even another soon!) that’s meta in PvE!

This looks pretty decent. Have to wonder where the baseline Exhilaration went though?

Oh yeah, imagine!

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:face_with_head_bandage: :fist: We out here.


Two things:

  1. Aspect of the Wild is a worse “burst” cooldown than Trueshot. Not saying Trueshot isn’t bad… Just saying it’s not the worst.

  2. The latest PTR build is officially a “release candidate” without a single change to Hunters other than covenant abilities and minor buffs to unused legendaries. That tells me Blizzard really has no plans to address Hunter issues, so I’ve rolled a Shaman and will see if that holds my interest. If not, I’ll probably get bored and stop playing for three years again.

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Unlike Trueshot - AotW atlest doesn’t counter the BM’s main spec mechanics, it only enhances them slight with more crit (more resets) and boost focus regen. It’s anticlimactic - yes, but whatever class design integrity BM has is not thrown out of the window like it is with MM and Trueshot.

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AotW might be a better theme but its nowhere near the DPS increase.

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MM has nothing to compare to AotW. I’m not going to say that BM is in a better state - it isn’t. What it does have, though, are two medium-long CDs baseline that increase DPS. MM has JUST Trueshot, and nothing in our base kit reduces its CD. Steady Shot, for example, would have SIGNIFICANTLY more value if it reduced Trueshot’s CD every time you cast it baseline (comparing focus regen to focus regen.) Or make Calling the Shots baseline. But I digress…

Also, as soon as I saw the changes to how AoE in SL was getting capped, I knew that BM would be boned. That was their strength in BFA. Not mobility (this helped) and not damage from high crit corruptions(also helped.) It was that they had uncapped AoE on a focus dump. I don’t understand why people are acting all gee whiz about why BM doesn’t pump like it used to.

Torghast for me really needs some work. They need to add some defensive abilities for our pets. Why do lock blueberries get huge defensives and we dont? How about those shammy rock elementals that can stay up permanently and barely take any damage in there?? And in latter portions of TC our pet gets one shot over and over and over. To get my mount I basically became a MM hunter. Use tar trap to immobilize and cobra shot away with my pet at my side. He was basically worthless since he insta died the moment he went near the boss. Its ludicrous.

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The problem is that BM came into SL with no positive changes - only nerfs. They took an “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” approach, but forgot about all the changes SL brought to the game as a whole. The result is BM at the very bottom in every aspect of the game, because SL is so incredibly burst-centric. MM certainly has it’s issues, but it’s still 15-20% ahead of BM.

Its weird that SL Mm is so much strong than BFA mm but at least in BFA master marksman let us get off free arcane shots during trueshot.

BM is so bad right now, and the buffs are not coming.

It’s covenant stuff. Wild spirits and Niya to be specific.

Remove these from the equation and MM’s damage is below average.


Survival is too. You have to spend three globals to buff 1 (one) Raptor Strike by 75%, only for it to crit for less than how hard a Warrior’s Condemn hits for. It’s so grotesquely poorly tuned. If I am spending three globals and risking putting myself in melee range when I have zero defensives, zero sustain, zero mobility compared to other melees, then that Raptor Strike should hit like a truck.

I don’t know how a multi-billion dollar megacorp game developer lets this stuff escape alpha/beta testing, much less 15 weeks into the expansion.

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By below average he means in the bottom 3 specs. Next to BM and Surv hunter.

Trying to getting picked in a decent rated RBG for the past 24hrs. With equal CR.

Getting declined all the time. It’s just sad. Buff our dmg. Rework our talents that were baseline. Review our DRs.

It is really painful to main Hunter now.


Hunter is not that bad in RBG right now, but every ranged dps is totally overshadowed by Boomies and Warlocks.

The problem is we can’t do anything better than another class. Why bring a hunter to an Rbg when you could bring almost any other class that is more useful. Im 1950 in Rbgs 221 item level with 31% verse but it is still very hard to get into groups because why bring a hunter honestly and I can’t say I blame them.

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Hunters are the god of Eye of the storm. I’ve knocked down the will to play to a fair amount of players in RBG.

Explosive trap goes boom. Player goes zoom.

But more seriously, yeah hunter is worthless in RBG compared to meta stuff.

I finished the BM and Pet revamp finally. SV is almost done too.

BM and Pet revamp.