I'm glad Unholy is at the bottom of the meters

When the world is only 34 people, everyone is in the top 100.

On its face sure. But if theres only a small number of parses its kind of a grain of salt thing you know? At the time of me making this comment, theres only 882 parses for that bracket. Hard to say if thats an adequate number of parses without knowing sub numbers and Heroic raid participation numbers, etc.

I switched to Unholy this week and almost every boss was 100% with only double digit number of parses while the overall was only gray which means Im way undergeared compared to all the other Unholy players.

I’d certainly love to say I’m one of the best DK players. I’ve only been playing the class for 15 years. But I don’t know if I’d go that far. I know I’m pretty damn good though at least.