I'm glad RDF isnt in the game. Thank you for hearing my voice Blizzard

Absolutely, 100%

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Cope :heart: I’ll be here when ICC patch drops to no rdf you won’t tho prob, you resubbed just to complain lol

Because they enjoy the social aspect and interaction? Isn’t that the whole argument being made, that its enjoyed by a majority to the extent its preferable to the adition of RDF? Because otherwise, if its not the case, then RDFs removal is catering to a minority to the detriment of most players.

You can’t have it both ways. Either people who want the social experience and engagement being a minority is pure speculation, in which case having RDF wont hurt them because their preference is not being disabled, or they ARE a minority in which case having RDF is better for the most players.

Removing RDF for a minority is pretty much just forcing most players to be stuck with no better options to satisfy their unpopular need for interaction and manual grouping.


Can’t make statements like this without real statistics. What you’re doing is inference from a belief.

im glad too dude <3

Stop trolling.

List of polls on RDF - the majority wants RDF


As soon as the rush is over this will be a thing once again. I don’t have all day, waiting to play and sifting through LFG chat for hours is ridiculous.
Enjoy you dungeon screening tool.


Not a troll, those are not statistically viable polls. you can choose to believe them but they are not imperical.

is what i said.

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i already enjoy tbc, so im sure we will! ty.

They will just tell you those polls aren’t good enough, biased etc. Blah blah blah…
GL with that.


beat you to it tbh.

Right people out here like its for the better of the game. Because sitting in a city spanming lfg chat and trade to find people for a dungeon for 30 mins to a hour to than have to wait another 15 to 30 mins for people to get to the instance is such amazing gameplay. All while bot talking anyways till its over and you get a gg or thanks for the run.


Wow, such a feat. I bet you stare at these forums all day long. What a life…


It is


Muh socialization!
I have no time or patience for that crap. Quit BC because of it.

  • hyperbole. You’re welcome

thank you!

If your going to be a nuisance, you may as well do it proplerly! :clown_face:

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All of these polls are comprised of players of the WoW community, some even exclusive to the TBCC community. Just because you don’t like the results does not make them less viable or legitimate.


do you know what base player numbers are? what are you comparing the polls to? do you know what a statistically viable sample size is to extrpolate from? Have the results been vetted for botting? double voting? control groups taken to account for confirmation bias? where did they get the sample of players? are they all active players?

Just because you like the results doesnt make them more viable or legitimate.

Any inferrence you draw from those polls, is a belief, and not a fact, that much baseline is clear.

Not at all.

Option A: More prefer whisper and chat spam vs queueing: RDF wont hurt them, as the majority will still form groups their preferred way since its superior in their eyes.

Option B: More prefere queueing vs whisper and chat spam: RDF will serve the majority of the player base, to the relative detriment of a minority. Relative because their preferred method isnt removed, its just not popular with the playerbase so they find it challenging to engage in it.

Thats it. Either way RDF being removed is the worse, more harmful option. Doesnt matter which camp is the majority.