I'm Glad Dalaran Is Destroyed

As river song says


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There’s a very good chance that this is the absolute end of Dalaran, that this time around the survivors will choose NOT to rebuild Dalaran and fully leave it to the past while doing something new.

One very big reason is Dalaran already being the main expansion hub twice already, making it highly unlikely to ever be a major focus for an expansion again.

As much sense it would make for Dalaran to get rebuilt from a lore perspective, it also would not make sense to have Dalaran be focused on in WoW again anytime soon due to how much the city has been used already, even if the new version were to look considerably different from the older versions.

It’s far more likely that the Kirin Tor might eventually establish a successor city-state that isn’t called Dalaran.

Ultimately, I think people care about the destruction of Dalaran because many people recognize that this is probably the true end of Dalaran. Dalaran previously being rebuilt is irrelevant to the fact it’s being destroyed in WoW.


They burned a lot of energy fending off the Legion’s attacks. How deep into their emergency reserves did they have to go? Did that damage their energy storage? Have they had the opportunity to repair and replenish?

If the answers are “VERY deep,” “Yes,” and “No,” that would explain it.


Dalaran, as we saw in Legion and BfA, is not exactly what I’d call a hard target when it comes to infiltration. Remember in Legion, there were a couple of elite demons roaming around disguised as mages? And the Divine Bell fiasco?

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This got leaked like months ago…

Its not hard to put spoiler warnings and exclude spoilers from post titles : p

I mean i get not caring about spoilers, but i dont really get that inconsiderate attitude towards others who do.

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nooo did khadgar git killed?

Yes. Sorry.

That’s what Dalaran gets for letting the Horde back in.

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I mean it is/will be considering knife wife is possessing Drenden’s body.

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“From light comes darkness and from darkness… light”

Mages aren’t the main characters unfortunately. Priests and Pallies are.

Is this an expansion spoiler? Great, thanks

But what about the Rogues?
What did they do wrong to deserve being blown up?!

I’m glad dalaran is getting destroyed so jaina can’t go on a second unhinged murder spree

Rumours have it, that it was Kalecgos visiting Dalaran at the time – Is the one who made the initial blood curdling scream at the spiders & started the fire first. :open_mouth:

They were innocent? Pretty sure when I did the Horde storyline the dialogue was pretty clear: “by helping steal the Divine Bell we are risking our neutrality.” Of course they weren’t “risking” it - they were blatantly and knowingly exploiting it.

And being forgiven isn’t a surprise really. How many orc atrocities have we forgiven so far and how long until the next one?

Order magic and holy magic are good friends.

They are generally hostile to Demons for some reason…

Chaos magic feeds on life, so there’s that. Order, life and holy are like Nato.

We just need thirty archmagi to cast Alter Time simultaneously to restore Dalaran to the sky.