I'm Glad Dalaran Is Destroyed


Poor Khadgar.

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I thought we were friends!


i don’t get why folks care about this, isn’t this like, the 6th time or something the place has been wrecked? there was arthas, archimonde, jaina turning it into a police state, garrosh doin stuff, demons messing with it in legion…

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Well we need something to yell at each other about. Got anything better?

What about Manapoof?! Having all those portals to different places was a nice extra for doing pet battle dungeons. :frowning:

PS i miss khadgar and illidan too

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Here I suggest using tried and tested Naruu technology, the Draenei can help out. Draenei Chrystal engineers and bloodelven arcane engineers working in unison.

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Not sure this helps but as far as I know only half of Dalaran is broken…for all i know they broke the Horde section of town because of course they would Blizz hates us but…anyways… the city is not truly broken in my book unless it explodes

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Well it did recover from Archimonde completely smushing it, so you may be right.

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Personally, I’m sad we didn’t get a third version of Dalaran, complete with faux-Heathstone Toy, in order to promote maximum chaos and confusion.


I am going wth is this on about…but meh, I don’t care much.

OPtion b could another expac walking eternally in a circle.

And since I tired of hearing it so damned much…the city needs to be burned.

Citizens of dalaran!..look to the skies

So many times. I only regret it was not me who killed the dalaran town cryer if he died in the attack. I’d want to claim that kill.

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Not broken. There was a Horde side in Wrath and a Horde side in Legion. The Horde was kicked out during the Pandaria expansion, but the Legion version didn’t exist yet. As such I suppose that a Horde player would still be able to visit Dalaran in its Wrath incarnation since that implies time travelling. By Legion Dalaran has received a makeover and I have noticed no hostilities towards my Horde characters, the Horde side is back. In Battle for Azeroth Dalaran may been closed to the Horde but again, visiting Legion, or Wrath Dalaran is time travelling so again, a player would not be locked out. Was Dalaran EVER accessible in its Alliance only state?

I can see a Draenei standing over the wreckage saying, “That’ll buff out.”

The blood elf standing next to them says, “Yep.”


Still waiting on rebuilding Taurajo, Undercity and Kezan.


This is why I want a timeless Dalaran. Either it moves on with an update for each expansion or it is placed outside time itself. The Bronze dragonflight, the Infinites or the Brokers could have hand in that. A timeless Dalaran would exist in its own pocket universe.

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I can just imagine Velen with his mouth gaping open in horrified awe as Dalaran is destroyed — All whilst surrounded by his newfound allies of Eredar, slurping their Moonberry Juice with a straw in what seems to be smiling faces. :joy:


Nerubians can bring down Dalaran but not the Legion at full strength. Make it make sense.

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The Void is better at infiltration.

The Legion is better at raining fire on planets.

We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Dalaran happened to be more vulnerable to infiltration than to rain of fire.

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The kirin tor saw a massive spider in their city and therefore burned it all to the ground. What’s hard to understand about that?


That’s what the mages get for ignoring gravity. Isaac Newton was like, “It would be a shame if that city just fell down.”

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I’m sorry…but all i got from your post was rambling as we had a Horde section in legion and Khadgar ultimately had control of Dalaran in BFA so the city didn’t change. Dalaran is NOT an alliance city. What I was saying it both Alliance and Horde had a part of the town, Horde’s access being reinstated when Khadgar took over and basically dethroned Jaina. OP is talking of Dalaran being destroyed in TWW and I was saying the side that got destroyed was most likely the Horde’s side as Blizz hates us and tailor their story to favor Alliance so if Dalaran is not entirely destroyed the Alliance side may be what remains

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