Im excited for Sacred Shield!

Hpal already feels pretty amazing, but this ability is really going to be the cherry on top. Who else is HYPED for Sacred Shield!!!


Used to play alot Hpal, sacred shield really does make a big diff. But now im more hyped for Portals for warlock :wink:

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Holy paladin feels amazing. Iā€™m just hyped in general to get into Northrend.

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Lock portals are insanely fun, youā€™re going to LOVE it!

Iā€™ve got just under two more weeks to finish leveling my holy paladin, then I too can be hyped for sacred shield.

(Though I probably wonā€™t have it for a while, the paladin is definite alt-zone.)

Iā€™m just excited for divine plea. more mana on single targets please!

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What level are you? I leveled a few alts in AV the past few weeks and its been really fast!

Iā€™m getting more annoyed at holy pally by the day with all the stuff iā€™m hearingā€¦

What do you mean?

When i first rolled holy pally it was pretty simple, watch your mana, do big heals.

Since then theyā€™ve:
Changed our trinkets multiple times
Changed our professions multiple times
Said we need to be in melee

also WCL has removed JoL from being counted as part of the casters healing
and we get no prio on gear

plus we use the same 15 badge libram from p1 til end of wrath, whatā€™s the fun in that?

Its a BLAST to play is my main thing.

Whatever floats your boat honestly.

I love gearing, and looks like holy paladin gearing has gotten more and more boring, now our bis trinket for multiple phases is some stupid blue trinket from culling.

I still would prefer healing with my Priest or Shaman, but itā€™s just a matter of flavor/taste I guess.

Yea i can see that. Different strokes indeed. I felt like vanilla and tbc paladin was a little boring, and i really like wotlk additions like Sacred Shield, Infusion of Light procs, Beacon of Light, Sacred Cleansing, our AoE sac, the HL glyph, FoL HoT, the introduction of ā€œHandsā€, Wings affecting heals, etc.

To me it just feels a lot more fluid to play. Im mostly a PvPer though, so my opinions are affected by that.

I can respect that, Hpal is beast in pvp.

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Another thing im looking forward to is the glyph of Beacon of Light. The duration of Beacon just feels weirdly short right now, and the glyph should remedy that somewhat. Though, you cant beat cata when Beacon has infinite duration lol.

63 at the moment, I donā€™t think Iā€™ll have a problem hitting 70 in time :slight_smile:

I have found that AV isnā€™t great XP, though, I get XP much faster just by entering LFG and going ā€˜healer LF dungeonā€™.

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I remember my Holy Paladin in the original WotLK as being a less-fun & more restrictive/annoying version of my Restoration Shaman to play. Paladin could pump the numbers though.

I actually love Resto Shamans too, they are a lot of fun in wotlk!

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