I'm done with Alliance story

Where’s the revenge?


In imagination land

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Don’t you have like…school or a job to go to? Or something else to play?

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School starts in mid August

Cant really get a job until i stop going blank if i ever do

And nope, wow is the only game i play

BFA isn’t over yet.

Well I guess to some people it is… You know, the weak people who might feel a need to give up on life for getting a small paper cut. Don’t be those people.

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I have given 3 chances for bfa to not over and after 3, i just wish that we can just forget about it

But…but…but did you see and fully appreciate the effort that went into his crushing of that wheat and the crushed remains being carried away by the wind?


/moo :cow:

To be fair random warlock+shaman guy burned the tree. Not Sylvannas. Who would ever expect random warlock+shaman guy!

So giant douche or turd sandwich?


Hmmm. If I saw those two options, I’d have quite the game and done something enjoyable with my life.



I know I’m not the only one who misses the Alliance of old. It could have been an interesting thing to watch, seeing that clash with Anduin’s high ideals. Genn could have been something of a representation for that old Alliance, but instead they neutered him the moment worgen were turned into a playable race.

I mean, on the other side we miss the Horde of Old too.

it’s easy to forget about it. Unsub during a content drought and do other things.


I have tried recommending this. Save your breath to compliment my beard or something.

Which? The one from Warcraft 3? Because I miss that Horde, too!

Your beard needs the most epic gold rings to compliment its vitality.

I was thinking a haircut, but I’m a VIKING. ARSHIA, A VIKING!

I roam the Howling Fjord on a dragon and headbutt CROTCHES.

I do not need these gold rings for vitality. The amount of crotches battered is a testament to my beard’s vitality enough.

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Rofl an entire webcomic devoted to this story primer is just waiting to be done. It doesn’t even have to be in the warcraft universe LOL



Dvargak the Crotchbasher. LOL Bashin crotches and stealin watches in Medieval Europe.