I'm done with Alliance story

Why shouldn’t night elf fans be salty? Ever since cataclysm the night elves have been nothing but a punching bag, almost all the lands the night elves held where either destroyed or handed over to the horde without much of a story to them and now they got genocided, their city destroyed, their people butchered like cattle and the writers telling them that the night elf story is over because their leader killed a valkyr whose death has so far been MEANINGLESS.

Night Elf players have a reason to be salty, saltier than any other race in this game where the writers appear to be either incompetent in their story telling or entirely biased to their favorite races of humans, green humans and now dead humans.


That have got to be joking. What revenge? Taking a zone that changes hands every three weeks and has no lasting impact or story line development? Seriously, are the writers even trying to make the Alliance side interesting any more?

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Reading this and then looking at your profile picture made me actually cry laughing.

Probably not. All about that human potential

Night Elf Fans have every right to be salty and be disgusted at the writers and DEVS at this time. I agree with everything you on every point.120%

and people like you are the reason human paladins are a meme and everyone’s favourite thing to kill in pvp lol

Easy there Rocky… what did that wall do to you?

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I like you brother. You’re making these a joy <3

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It looked at me funny

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You sufficiently trounced it.


Dwarf high-ish five

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Revenge?! Against who? Which member of the Horde was held to account for their atrocities.

The boss for the darkshore wavefront is a frigging night elf who was raised up as part of the ongoing atrocities.

This right here is exactly why alliance feel we get crapped on. It’s literally impossible to invest yourself in the story cause Blizzard will kick you in the teeth, and is unable to comprehend why we are pissed.


That’s why I punch them in the Face or spit on them right before I die in PVP. Besides I was done doing PVP after Alliance can’t stand with their Brains and let the Horde Roll over them.

They’re all lazy AR’s, but oh I forgot, you complain about everything and anything.

Get use to it. OP. That’s what the Alliance has always have been since Warcraft 1.

I mean wow. You guys are complete Babies. Looks like I need to call in the Hello Kitty Cat Force from Fairy Tail so that They can sent you to another Gaming Franchise that isn’t about Warcraft Alliance.

When there are literally a lot of other races and you focus on mainly humans instead the rest, that’s a problem. It becomes so boring

I am a beautiful man in a dress who brings a wrench in one hand and roses in the others, no ladies can resist me. And even I am in fear of the sexiness of dismembered gnome torsos.


You mean that’s why you bubble-hearth?

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True story. I enjoy this universe that was created with the Warcraft RTS games. Those stories have already played out. Time moves on and in order to continue this game events need to transpire. Those events get crazy because back in the late 90s Blizzard didn’t think the Warcraft franchise would grow into such a juggernaut. Anyway I’m losing the point I was trying to make.

Enjoy the game or play something else.

The story now is, once again, the Horde finds itself on the Road to Perdition with a loony tune leading us, which has been mostly the case since Thrall left except for a short respite with Vol’jin as a wise and peace loving leader. Now, mad dog, old god tainted Sylvanas has made a tactical blunder. She has trodden on the most “don’t tread on me” hero the Horde has ever had. He wanted to be left alone, grow wheat, raise a family. Now by sending assassins, she has roused our true war leader to action. What rinky dink story does the Alliance have to match this epic? This scenario has been three expansions in the making. Thrall is back, and the excrement is going to hit the rotating ventilation device with gusto. Who will side with Sylvanas now? The Alliance should probably stand back and hold our beers while we settle this. Don’t interrupt a family fight.