I'm doing the Red Draenei questline, and all I can think is "When do we get Hatuun models?"

I need to read that. Ive inly read through thr wikis and i have trouble accepting the story since we know that they wanted the Alliance race to be a Pandaren in TBC. So draenei being Shaman always sat with me wrong.

Broken have been on Azeroth since Vanilla wow in Swamp of Sorrows and the Blasted Lands.

There’s even one with a repeatable zone drop turn in quest in Blasted Lands that’s been around since day 1.

Scourge could have easily gotten their hands on Broken Draenei for DK creation purposes.
And I never mentioned monks

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Oh yeah…was THAT ever explained?

Not really. Assuming he and the other broken were left overs from the slaves Gul’Dan and the original Orcish Horde brought through the Dark Portal with them.

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Yes, I know that. But isolated as they were, the two least likely classes would be Monk and DK. You seem to want them to only be three classes, one which was the least likely they’d ever be. And completely ignored every single other class that they already are.

I never said you did.

It was back in Vanilla, yes. But I honestly don’t remember that storyline anymore. They changed it some in Cata, iirc.

I think it had something to do with when the Dark Portal was opened the first time, some of them escaped into Azeroth when Khadgar and the others went through to destroy the portal.

That so called “isolated” area is right next to Deadwind Pass where there is a persistent Scourge presence. And that’s not even counting the multiple Scourge Invasions that have run through pretty much all areas of the Eastern Kingdoms multiple times.

Pandaren didn’t come into direct contact with the Scourge until well after the siege of Icecrown and the fall of Arthas, but they can still be DKs. Way more reasonable to expect to see a Broken DK than a Panda one.

No… no there isn’t. The Scourge have nothing to do with Deadwind Pass.

And again, I said “least likely,” not “absolutely cannot be.”

I loved the Chronicles series of books. They were really well-done.

Part of why I loathe Shadowlands with such seething hatred is because they retconned Chronicles, then painted the BS excuse that “O-Oh, uh no it was um … It was the perspective of the titans! Y… Yeah, that’s it!” – To cover their butts from the ignorance, and stroke their hubris.

Chronicles was originally dubbed — ‘The Bible of Lore’
And although it wasn’t perfect for everyone (Though to be fair, nothing ever is) – For MOST of the lore-loving playerbase it was widely enjoyed & highly praised.

I’m in the massive crowd that’re hoping they retcon much of Shadowlands’ pile of rubbish so called ‘LoRe’ and revert back to making Chronicles true canon again.


Not all undead are scourge.

Much of the damage you see in Deadwind Pass was caused by the Legion, fel-presence, dark magics and the dread-scythe: Ulthalesh, the Deadwind Harvester – which sapped the life-force from the crevice valley, akin to like how the elemental lord Princess Theradras had sapped the lifeforces out of the massive valley known as MASHAN’SHE to become what we know today as ‘DECOLACE’

The dark magics of the Legion creating undead isn’t very far fetched, and is the moreorless the origin story of how the Scourge came to be in the first place.

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All I could think during the quest line was “Do the writers understand nuance or lore?”

“Yes, let’s forgive the race that waged bloody cosmic genocide because one was sad.”

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He was pretty sad, though

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I definitely still want playable Broken but I hate what blizzard did to them in legion by making them use the draenei skeleton instead of the original tauren one, they look way better and more distinct with the structure/animations that the tauren skeleton gave them.

That being said, the eredar quest chain heavily implied that we’ll be getting them at some point in the future.

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(Looks at the Tauren and the broken) the broken walking around would be the same.

Jokes aside, the model should definetly be playable.

There would probably be way more broken/Fel Draenei players than mechagnomes.

Then again if turds were a race I’m sure that would even have more players than mechagnomes.

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I mean why not have access to all old models in retail. As a choice to play TBC blood elves for example.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

Allied race DKs were raised by Bolvar. He’s powerful, even without the helm of domination.

i’m old enough to remember when the “broken” were the baseline normal draenei

on topic: i’d love if their model was playable.

Been wanting to have Broken Draenei for a long time. I hope they became playable someday or soon.

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Fair enough. Still it’s not unreasonable to think there’d be broken DK’s running around given they’ve been wandering around in the mainland EK for longer than the allied races have.