I'm Disappointed with Season 4

Oh my god!

It hasn’t even started yet.

Ummm… that’s normal for television shows.

What have you been watching that releases all their seasons one right after the other?

Why would I rewatch a season I just watched? It’s not like it’s an interactive video game that changes with each season.

It’s ‘The Diplomat’.

Okay. yeah, I can totally watch that again.

Good for you. It sounds like you need it. I would add some margaritas to that mix.


See you in a week

I agree. I personally thought, outside of two encounters, DF raids were pretty boring. I’m definitely not looking forward to S4. Also, I’m not an AOTC raider, so I’m probably going to call it quits until TWW.

Fated Season is going to cater more towards those returning from a hiatus.
It’s very typical for returning players to come back near the start of the next expansion.
Fated allows them to experience the whole expansion before the next one.

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The smart decision is to take a break until TWW, enjoy the summer for all it has to offer, and come back in time for the next expansion’s launch. You will not be missing anything OP.

Your get out and fish plan sounds much better than anything you’d replace it with by sticking around for S4.

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It is ok to not be playing WoW all the time. I am not sure why this is a big deal?

I see S4 as something to browse a little bit then to take a break from until TWW launches.

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Big pog by the way.

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It’s better than just ok. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I am disappointed but not mad. There are a lot of good games out there so I don’t mind saving my sub money until they have something new to offer, which sounds like wont realistically be until the xpac comes out.

I’m sure they will try their usual 6 month sub mount thing soon, but thankfully not all of us care about mounts. For me it’s time to catch up on FF14 story ahead of Dawntrail and take on the new Guild Wars 2 challenge mode boss.

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Well you wouldn’t just sit there rewatching the same season right? You’d find something new pretty much right away?
That’s not a bad thing. It’s ok to take a break from WoW and play other games between seasons. Why do we frame it like being done with the game is somehow a failure on the developers part?

This sounds nice!

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What would you suggest to keep on par with the goals of a fated season?

What open world content were you hoping to see recycled?

That means nothing new. Something you can slightly tinker with and out in a rotation.

Please stop implying that casual players are too stupid or bad at WoW to participate in raiding or dungeons.

Don’t forget that another mysterious event is planned with the next patch. Timerunning Pandamonium!

I’ll keep an eye out for that new event.

Where did I say that in my post, only you are implying it. Point is, I recall Blizz admitting they let down open world players in SL fated season, by having nothing new for them, they didn’t even update the already existing open world content rewards. And judging by the season 4 post, it looks like this will be the case again, it doesn’t look like any of open world content is going to get updated gear again. That is basically them saying sorry we forgot, then immediately forgetting again.

Depends on what you are watching and what they are saying is coming along next. For example, say you are watching Dr Who and they put up an ad for the return of the Brady Bunch. Would that make you want to leave the TARDIS?

"Here’s the story … of a lovely lady … who was bringing up three very blond haired girls …

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Ok then, that was always allowed


Ya almost like its to help prevent a content drought. Imagine thinking a good TV show constantly produces good TV without breaks and without bad seasons. Lower your expectations and demands. You said youd go touch grass but guarantees youre there day 1 with us.

Lmao sure you did. Its literally content filler until the next expansion. Yall take this stuff way too seriously. Its not a big deal. The raids are fine and the dungeons are fine. You guys gotta chill.

I am chilling lol, until TWW. No one should be paying a sub for this. It’s lazy and that’s obviously apparent just by comparing Fated to Awakened. There is no excuse. It’s the same scenario at the end of SL. They devoted all their resources to TWW and couldn’t even offer up an ounce of experimentation or innovation for Awakened.