I'm Concerned About the Faction Balance

People wanted the faction barrier gone next expansion - they refuse to do this. Not only is this going to cheapen the finale of BfA, it’s going to make the snowball effect of people leaving the Alliance for the Horde just continue onward.

I don’t understand what it will take for them to realize that they need to do something about this before it’s truly too late and the only people playing Alliance are hyper casuals and role-players.

Is the extra money from people faction changing to Horde just too lucrative for them to give up? I hope it’s not pure greed that’s driving them on this issue.
Is the scope of the issue too large for them to care to tackle it? Are they concerned it could go the other way and the Alliance starts dominating in the future if they step in?

I just don’t know. Alliance guilds are crumbling left and right. Less and less M+ groups being made compared to the Horde. Alliance raiding has been in shambles for a long time and it’s absolutely pathetic compared to the Horde’s raiding scene.

Why isn’t anything being done? This is frankly super worrying to me.


All rise, for World of Hordecraft!

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Fixed that for you.


Aight… but why are the Lightforged Draenei racial traits so terrible…

seriously WHO THOUGHT OF THIS!!!

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  • In-game cinematic shows leaders working together
  • “This time, it’s different because we’re different.”
  • In-game Baine is chilling with Anduin in Stormwind Keep
  • Faction War has been forced for 15 years and repetitive every single time
  • Literally dividing their player base in half for no reason
  • Not allowed to play with friends while playing a character you like
  • Think of all the development time that could be put into better things without having to say “Okay, now do the Horde/Alliance equivalent” for every single quest

“BuT tHe FaCtIoNs BeInG aT wAr Is CrUcIaL tO wOrLd Of WaRcRaFt!” - Ion Howmuchhazzitcostus, 2019


Because the faction imbalance has always been an issue of player choice.
Players gravitate to the race/faction that they or their group of friends likes.
Goblins are my favorite race, so I’m going to be Horde. Blizzard can’t do anything to dissuade me from that besides make Goblins Alliance, and even then I find the overall theme of lockstep unity of the Alliance boring.
Horde controversy may lead to the warchief roulette, but it’s more interesting than every single character being a pure good-hearted avatar for the light.


“The factions being at war is crucial to our marketing campaign” - fixed


Ion hazzaruinedwow


Hot take, drop faction restrictions for content but keep factions.

Wow problem solved


You didn’t mention the constant appeasement of both sides due to the constant bickering over fairness.


Im a little bothered that this is supposed to be the expansion of player agency, but i cant enjoy the game with the other side.


He ruined WoW by keeping a core aspect of it…that was here before he came…present?

But thats never been the case, and really shouldn’t.

The faction numbers, over all, are similar. The issue is the people on the Alliance don’t want to participate.

How should they make the Alliance be more willing to participate?


What, you don’t like summoning a Forge of Light that actually doesn’t function as a forge and is, in fact, just a regular anvil, making it more or less useless to even the professions that make use of anvils (due to also needing smelted metal)?

And how about that small damage burst that vanishes (and consumes your CD) if the target you’re using it on dies before it goes off?


The leaders working together and liking one another doesn’t make the hatred of their people disappear overnight.
I’ve wanted Jaina to die for years because of the purge/northwatch/dismantle stuff, and that’s just as a player.
I was hype, despite BfA’s many flaws when she was leaked as a boss, but then not only did she get away, she could’ve gotten away at any time.
She isn’t even winded when she talks to Anduin again.

To put it plainly; I don’t want to be at peace, dammit!

Not to mention the race’s lack of classes.

The game pretty much tells you to play Priest or Paladin.

Yet the lightforged racials are actually not that bad. 2nd best for Arm War, Best over all for BM Hunter,

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no one likes the alliance.

blizzard cant fix it.

reroll pve.

They do know about it. The problem is how do they correct it. They attempted to help with the hall of fame, but that failed terribly. Who knows if or what they will try next.

Yeah, folks severely underestimate the power of that death cannon they have. It hits like a truck. Pair it with focusing iris and you can chunk groups of mobs.

Super entertaining and useful!