I'm calling confirmed as a allied race for mecha gnomes

Technically NPC’s dance standing around all over the place and aren’t playable races. However, this is a promising sign.

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When was the last new dance emote made for an npc that wasn’t made playable?

I’m thinking maybe Hozen but I don’t think they have a dance. Other than that maybe a BC demon?

This is fantastic but i really REALLY hope they get to have more options for 1 or more extremities to be mechanical and are not forced to have all 4 be mechanical.

I think they should at least have to have a minimum of 1 extremity be mechanical but they should have the option to have 1,2 or even 3 of their extremities be flesh.

Why? Because all 4 extremities being mechanical and being forced to be that way looks CREEPY AS HELL. They look like floating torsos.

Don’t get me wrong, i am excited about playing a Mechagnome but IF they are forced to have all extremities be mechanical…i might not make one as it just looks so creepy to have them be this way.

Please PLEASE Blizzard for the love of god, let us have the option to have mechanical extremities be optional (with a minimum of 1 to separate them from regular gnomes…ie. 1arm or 1 leg). Don’t force them to all be floating torsos.

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Gnomes have been long overdo for some good content. I am happy that they are finally getting that. Are you suggesting adding another 5-6 more elven races?

Reg npc races don’t have dances

This is false though. Some do.

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Ogres have had a dance for nearly 14 years.


One thing a lot of people are not considering as a possibility is that Blizzard might listen to feedback and if the time comes that they do decide to make them an AR, they may make them look much better than they do now. Sorting out a lot of the issues in common complaints.

Blizzard could compromise and give the Alliance High Elves…

But with the Mechagnome’s stubby robo limbs.


There is already about 6 types of elves and High Elves are practically the same thing as Blood elves.

murloc i believe

Yeah but we don’t have stubby robo elves, now do we?


You know lore wise elves are actually heavily against the use of technology in general. And most of the rare situations in which they do use technology it was either attained from goblins or gnomes or etherials. Just a quiet tip.

That’s not as funny as what I said. And what I said wasn’t even that funny.

I… didn’t say that? That being said I don’t believe a NPC race has recieved a dance since BC?

Nope scratch that Muloc got a west side story dance in Legion apparently.

Gnomes getting more stuff is fine and all, glad Mechatorque got some love. But introducing a brand new set of cybernetic gnomes with no connection to Gnomergam doesn’t expand on player gnomes…

Regardless you are personally guaranteeing Junkgnomes will not be an allied race then?

A recent race that came out of nowhere and got dance animations before the Vulpera? :laughing:

Someone has a cyborg gnome fetish at Blizzard :stuck_out_tongue:.

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Wait a sec. Sorry. I replied to the wrong person before. However. No. I actually want Mechagnomes and Gilgoblins both a lot. Both are niche races and both get a heck of a lot of flak from people. However. I don’t think it is smart to jump to conclusions either. What seems like strong evidence that they could be ARs right now could very well mean something else. Likely perhaps, but guaranteed. We still have a full expansion and next expansion ahead us and there is certainly going to be new races introduced in the process that could end up being the ARs.

A recent race that came out of nowhere and got dance animations before the Vulpera? :laughing:

Someone has a cyborg gnome fetish at Blizzard :stuck_out_tongue:.

Just so you know btw. Just the male gilgoblin has more animations than both the Vulpera male and female models put together. Gilgoblin has 281 animations. Vulpera males and females have 135 each.

Robo Elf! Coming to theater near you!

How about high gnomes


Well Gilgoblin are pretty much the same animations of goblins and for the fact they been in the game already. The new one is the females gilgoblin.

Probably not till 9.0 at least. I could be wrong, but I don’t see them adding any more allied races this expac.

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I will literally melt your mind