I'm calling confirmed as a allied race for mecha gnomes

They now have a dance

Reg npc races don’t have dances


Not calling anything confirmed until Blizzard announces it.


Why else would they have a dance animation

For flavor

Murlocs and many others would like to have a word with you.


Also, Allied Races do not necessarily get new dances. Void Elves, for instance, inherited the same /dance animations as Blood Elves.

This is interesting, certainly. But hardly confirmative of AR plans.

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Just as confirmed as Vulpera.

But I gotta admit that dance is pretty cool, I was not expecting their gears to be “individually” animated.


Yeah, plenty of non-playable races have unique dances.

That being said, I think it’s pretty clear that Mecha Gnomes are going to the the next Alliance allied race. Everything seems to be pointing to it.

Huh? Lots of NPC races have a dance, even if just a shuffle. It adds flavour.

Don’t get me wrong, I want Mechagnomes as an allied race, but a dance animation alone isn’t conformation of anything.


I didn’t need to see dancing animations done for them to know we’d have Mechagnomes in 8.2.5 or so. :thinking:

it wont be in 8.2 because they confirmed no allied races for 8.2

For the Mecha Gnome gentleman’s club obviously.

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Yes that’s why I didn’t write 8.2… I wrote ''8 .2.5 or so " So seeing rumors of 8.2.5 I also made sure to include the ‘‘or so’’ which denotes a more further patch date for release.

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There isn’t a doubt in my mind that Blizzard won’t add this as an Alliance allied race since about 15 players total would actually play one. Can’t wait to see the awesome race Horde will get though. :slight_smile:


Nothing confirmed until Blizzard announces it. Until then it is all speculation.


Gilgoblins? Yep because all 5 of the people who will play those.

Seriously, my chips are still on Horde Vulpera.

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the .5 patch is likely considered part of 8.2

I share this sentiment. People tend to go a bit too overboard sometimes in assuming a race is sure fire to become an AR. Although I think MechaGnomes are very likely. Blizzard has said in the past that they had the intention of improving the variation of npcs. Who knows.

Gilgoblins? Yep because all 5 of the people who will play those.

The folks in the Goblin Mega Discord would have a word with you.

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This will be the biggest waste of an Allied race yet. Heck even the KT will probably be more popular…


Yes, numbers matter, so does the fact that it comes out months later. Probably won’t come out in 8 . 2 . 5 but I included a part that shows it will also perhaps come out later if not in 8 . 2 . 5 so

was it necessary for you to tell me nothing is coming out in 8.2?
Probably not.

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