I'm bored already

I can see your point, but I think the philosophy of WoW has changed. If you watched the interview Preach had with Ion, they talked a lot about that issue. Ion said that it was something they wanted to “fix” in DF.
I personally love DF, I don’t chase fame and I don’t want to feel I need to compete with other people who possibly don’t have real life responsibilities, and able to put 6+ hours in wow every day.
I think you might like Classic Wow better? or maybe Korean MMOs where grind is mandatory?

To be fair, you’re demanding he slows down and plays the way you want. We can all be happy. We just need a solution to the problem. What do you think about my solution?

Name one MMO without an endless grind, i’ll wait.

It’s pretty sad tbh, it’s basically WoD 2.0

Because the community should become better at the game, there’s no reason why someone shouldn’t speed run and pull the whole dungeon. It’s easy content, tons of ways you can research and gain more knowledge.

You will get ZERO sympathy from me.

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You forgot digging up dirt piles… lol!

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I agree with you if it was looking for raid.

In random dungeon finder… There is no one type of group.

Majority rules. If the majority is OK with rushing you rush. If the majority is telling you to slow down… Slow down

If you don’t you can get kicked. If you don’t get kicked… I don’t know…fight?

Random dungeon finder is not just used or intended for people who are learning. It is meant to be a convenient way to do group content, full stop.

It really does take all kinds

Oh yes how can I forget about this new engaging gameplay option.

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XIV is the clearest example.

Once you get your rewards, you’re done. There’s no way to improve your Relic weapons beyond the last stage. There’s a hard item level cap that once you reach it, it is impossible to get it higher until the next expansion comes out. Once the content is completed, there is no reason to do it again unless you want to.

Rep grinds are also completely optional and don’t really provide you with much more than crafting reagents, pets, and mounts. Nothing that improves your endgame performance.

And this is a good thing, because it lets people have lives while still feeling like they can accomplish their goals in-game.

And those who have no lives? Well, that gives them time to go play other games and then come back the next patch cycle.

Now to me that sounds incredibly boring.

But if people like it who am I to judge… Besides a paladin… whom judges for a living

You don’t need to do any of the world grinds just get the Dragonriding glyphs. I geared in BGs and I get back to that repu stuff maybe in 2 weeks. There is zero reason to hurry. Do what you want to do in game. Nothing is forced.

Wrong, for Hardcore/Elite players there are a ton of different grinds you can do to be satisfied which DF completely lacks.

The idea that you want WoW to turn into something as blanched and soulless as FF14 says a lot about the casual community.

Ya’ll don’t WoW to thrive, you want to see it die out and become another bad MMO.

You can literally do this in any xpac?

No one has to hurry, there’s a week worth of content tops. After that it’s boring af, there’s nothing to do in this xpac.

It is fun flying around and finding treasure.

You have a whole new progression path with crafting, yet people STILL acting like not much to do.

Go farm keys for rep.
Go dig for treasure.
Go gather.
Go do hunts.

World quests are not needed every day. Thank god Blizzard sees reason.

It’s not boring, it’s just different than WoW’s “I WANT ALL YOUR TIME” model.

It’s nice, to actually have a chance to finish your goals and be done for awhile. It also encourages players to go after mogs/pets/etc that they haven’t done yet that were implemented before they started playing without feeling torn between putting their nose on the grindwheel or going back and collecting stuff (and there is a LOT of stuff to collect!).

The two are not mutually exclusive, and you can have time to do both, if you want.

You might, but that’s the whole foundation the game is built on. It doesn’t demand that you spend more time than what you choose to give. It doesn’t force-feed you an endless treadmill of grinds in order to get incremental rewards. You get to a level of content that you want to get to, then once you’re done then you’re done. Enjoy the rest of the game’s side quests and storylines or hang out with friends and strangers in the cities or housing districts.

Then why are you even subbed? If they hadn’t change PvP gear and removed rating and upgrades I wouldn’t have even bought the whole expansion.

I mean it’s not boring to you.
I’m not trying to insult the game. It genuinely sounds incredibly boring to me.

But that’s just me.
I’m not going there and trying to make it more like wow.

The people that like it I’m happy for them.

Only if you treat WoW like a second job.

Some of us work fulltime jobs, have families, and other obligations that trying to max out our character takes way too much time. A game is supposed to be fun, not a grind job.

You either complete Savage Raids and the Extreme Trials to get the best gear, or you don’t. You either get the highest-tier Relic weapon by completing its questline, or you don’t.

But the game isn’t forcing you to do so.

Finding treasure? I’m not a 9 year old, I don’t get excited by garbage loot.

I don’t need to do rep as no player power is locked behind it, digging is not content, gathering is not useful I have too much gold already and hunts are boring after you do it a couple times.

Professions are also borderline toxic with the amount of anima-type systems they included, it’s not a fun thing for most people to do.

To see if the next content patch will have any good content or not.

I have a more demanding job than you and a family as well, try not to rely too much on that excuse. This content is very easy, anyone can do it very quickly if they had a modicum of skill to them.

But yet you still somehow found time to get up to max level and get into Mythics within the first 7 days of the release of a new expansion.

“Press X to doubt.”

EDIT: More like first 5 days as I’ve heard the first couple days came with unplayable lag as is usual for a new expansion launch.