I'm a Solo Player in your MMo, No I won't go play Skyrim

There should be a solo mode for dungeons, and only drop items for your armor and weapon classes available.

Basically, if you’re a warrior, and you opt for solo mode for a dungeon, the mobs and bosses will be tuned for single player. Bosses will function like the brawler’s guild, minus the timer, and be scaled to the player and zone level cap.

Let’s say Blizzard adds old Deadmines back in as a Bronze Dragon influenced dungeon. You talk to a Bronze Dragon in mortal form outside the instance, and if you’re going it solo, it’ll say you’re qued for solo classic Deadmines. So fights like Edwin VanCleef will have telegraphed attacks you’ll have to deal with. But because Deadmines is a classic instance in a classic continent(Eastern Kingdoms), the level cap will only reach 60.

A solo mode for dungeons with the loot table streamlined to your armor class would be perfect to cater to solo players who play this popular MMO to divide social and dungeon crawling time.

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Tbh not a terrible idea so long as it sticks to simply non-current content dungeons. Then again there isn’t a whole lot of difference between Random dungeon finder and soloing now days. You might get that one person every ten thousand runs that will say hello.

Well that’s a bit exagerating, it’s more that all humans will have to fight agaisn’t that nature. Some will fall to it more easily than others. But why make a system that works agaisn’t that? Was the old system that bad? That’s the question you need to ask yourself. Is why they made the current changes to how the game work to basicly reward more the addictive feeling of the game rather than just a wholesome experience.

You have the same access to the gear as the other player in your hypothetical. It is perfectly fair. What you really mean to say is that you only approve of other people getting gear the way you want them to. That’s pretty selfish.

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What’s exactly the same acess? Playing the same game? Rolling a dice? No having the same acess doesn’t make it “fair”, it helps for it to be fair. But let’s say everyone can go to school but diplomas are given at random that you have studied for 1 year, 1 day or 10 years. That wouldn’t be fair wouldn’t it? Having the same amount of chance doesn’t mean that the result is fair.

I won’t argue that I’m not selfish but that doesn’t matter in the argument. Yes theres someone that decide how gear is obtained at the end the day. Would you say they’re selfish too? Would you say that you’re selfish for defending the way loot is now because it clearly advantage you more?

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My Skyrim has 7 characters running around. 2 Mages, 2 Light Armor dual-wielding / bow, 2 Heavy Armor with one all SnB / bow tank and the other two-handed / bow; and then there’s me, the summoner bringing out a slew of pets! The wonders you can do with the creation kit.

“I like MMO games but I don’t.”

Very well said. I’ve preached this to other people. Online games generally offer more constant updates, added content and most try to frequently keep you with things to do. In addition, online games more often allow you to repeat things and gain something from doing it.

Single player games do not do this. Even single player games with a lot of content run out far sooner than online games.


There is nothing wrong with people playing a MMO like a single player game, they just shouldn’t expect the game to accommodate that play style like it would in a single player game.

Why does your name have something to do with a butt?

Oh wait, I just got it.

People don’t realize this as much as they should. I had an amazing guild during Wrath, and during Cata almost every single person quit. I moved servers and changed faction, which didn’t help, and at this point, starting in a new guild is something I’ve tried and failed multiple times. I’m just not interested in the social aspect, however I still enjoy the gameplay, so here I am.

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I also am a solo player. I’ll group up with guildmates, or do LFG if I need to do a dungeon or raid, but otherwise I am focusing on exploration and questing. Never touch PvP. What I love about WoW (and some other MMOs) is that you absolutely can play solo if you want to, even if it means having to wait until you level up to solo a dungeon you didn’t get the chance to run when you still qualified for LFG.

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All too often people try to distort WoW’s history and present the early days as some kind of social utopia.

The reality is that WoW was successful from day 1 because it catered to solo play for leveling content which is what many people played it for.


In a few hours the sun will rise!

I’s suggest that the changes in the game have made it far less solo friendly than it ever was. The expansion before this one was incredibly solo unfriendly. I just finished a legion quest that took me an hour to do, killed dozens of mobs for 12 exp each, and got nothing for it but gold, which no one needs any more, and vendor trash (more gold). That’s not fun.

You already have access to that same gear (you always did). On principle, I do not see it fair to award the person who sticks to AFK-able content with gear that is comparable to gear found by stringing together 20 people, sinking hundreds of thousands of gold into a raid night(s) for a few hours.

I have yet to see anyone claim they don’t want alternative gear routes. In my opinion, those alternative routes are usually mundane and simply do not have a high enough difficulty to justify awarding players with Heroic+ level gear.


I am with you on this AS LONG AS they stop putting any items into dungeons and/or raids that are needed for professions, character progression and mission table items.


Eh, I don’t see the point in asking for it anymore as if history continues it’ll get cut with “Well, we thought this would be a cool end game thing for non-raiders to do, but then the raiders would decide that they HAD to do it, and that wouldn’t be good”

I don’t think anyone minds solo players in their MMOs, it’s just when they start demanding that the game be changed to suit their playstyle and the devs listen, turning the game into a “shared world” single-player RPG. Then the game loses appeal to those who started playing it because they liked the multiplayer-oriented nature of it in the first place. Things like high-level crafting ingredients only dropping from high-level group content are essential for a good MMORPG because they create multiplayer dynamics (even when a crafter is a solo player for example, he still needs to source the ingredient from another player - even if indirectly via the AH).
when you remove these things, you make the game worse (read less fun) for its original audience, which just sounds pretty shi**y to me…