I'm a Solo Player in your MMo, No I won't go play Skyrim

Oh I hear that my friend I promise. I remember getting soooo salty over people stealing my nodes. Though for every one of those incidents, I also remember someone apologizing if it happened (even had a few give me the mats), I remember others clearly walking up to the node seeing me fighting right next to it and walking away. It’s a very minor interaction, but in the end… it is AN interaction. As opposed to now, where all interactions are curated and filtrated.

Before the game felt more like a world where you interacted with your fellow player out in the world, and some times those interactions produced either negative or positive results. Now the game feels like it plays on rails. The rails are nice because we almost never collide, but at the same time… Since we never collide, my entire game experience is predictable down to the minute. Hard to have novel experiences to promote world engagement when the whole thing is laid out for you.

Heck, I remember the first time I played WoW. It was on a patched together private server my brother and myself put up and played. Alone… 2 people in the entire world. Guess how fun it was… We made it to level 20 then both walked away. Why? Because the entire game boils down to… Kill 10 X, Gather 10 Y, Escort Z. That’s like 99% of the quests. What makes the game is the people.

When I hopped on live servers, I had the same feeling until… I joined my first dungeon and had to interact with people. It. was. awesome… I’ve been here ever since.

At the end of the day… I think the dev’s have to remember what made this game great (in my opinion at least)… It was the people. The community. The player interactions. Not the gameplay.

I don’t have an issue with solo players, my only gripe is when they need to do some form of group content to complete something and then get mad about it :roll_eyes:

Solution: don’t make solo players need to do group content to complete things :slight_smile:


I feel you here totally mid 50’s and my eyesight is now pretty bad causing me to miss the obvious. I still do random groups but mostly solo play so I can mess up alone.


Kind of an asinine statement to make when playing a MMO, statements like this are why solo players are laughed at.

And that attitude is supposed to make me want to group with you?


What attitude? I’m speaking from a logical standpoint.

Skyrim is the best RPG of all time. So much to do.

I play solo because It’s honestly what i’ve been doing from the start, I have zero confidence playing with other people.


I fail to see the logic in pushing people who don’t enjoy group play into group play with you when you don’t like being around people who are unhappy with being in group play.


You understand that when you purchase a MMO game you are going to be playing a game based around group play to progress right? You don’t have to if you don’t want to but you can’t complain about it, well you can but it’s silly to do so.

I mean…you can be a solo-oriented played in a MMO-game; it’s a free country after all.

That said, I think you’re at the bottom of the totem pole as far as having your concerns heard. You’re consciously choosing not the play the game the right way (i.e., as a social experience). That’s a decision you make and decisions come with consequences.

No one walks up to a pick-up basketball game with a hockey stick and whines and moans until the rules of the game are changed to let someone use their hockey stick. That’s not how life works.

I personally don’t see how picking up an MMO and then having the stance that you don’t like dealing with people was a good decision. In an MMO there should be an emphasis on group play and player interaction moreso than the solo experience

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I’m not entirely unsympathetic to your point. But …

I came here from primarily the sandbox side of MMOs where there wasn’t even a concept of grouping or instances, so dungeons and raids were an alien concept to me. And since i started a little after Vanilla, I found myself basically in a solo open world for the first year or two of play. I even vaguely remember encountering my first green portal and wondered what a “raid group” was (it’s astonishing, but despite years of playing various MMOs, I genuinely didn’t know what the term meant at the time)

Even then I never intended for WoW to be my main game. Alas, the industry sort of imploded and the alternatives dwindled. So I found myself in a position where I enjoy WoW’s solo content and it continues to be more fun for me than the alternatives (including Skyrim) I’ve tried, but WoW’s group content has just never grown on me.

So now we’re in an awkward place where I feel rooted here and I want to give feedback on how to improve the experience, but at the same time it’s very hard to avoid stepping on the toes of people who came here looking for a very different experience. But my idea of an MMO has always been from the sandbox side: one of many different playstyles coexisting, not a single path.

Some of this is on me to reset my expectations and accept limitations (overall, the game is in the best place its ever been for me so any quibbles are just quibbles). And I can understand the desire of devs to encourage people to try things outside their comfort zone, even though my own comfort zone is now pretty well-defined and inflexible. Although I have no desire to irritate you with complaints, in the end, if we’re going to get a better game for everyone, I do have to give feedback on what itches. And sometimes that itching includes the placement of group content gates.

Ideally I’d like us all to be able to say what itches and try to find win-win solutions, but its hard on a forum with so many voices with different opinions, intensities of drama and levels of sincerity. It’s easy to fall in a rut of getting defensive and suspicious (goodness knows I’m not immune).

Anyway, I just wanted to say that although I may quip, I’m not oblivious to how complex and frustrating this can all get when we try to simultaneously hold to condradictory visions of the game and I really do want the best for everyone.


If they ever put this game from classic to MoP out as a single player, I’d buy it.
Id miss 5 man classic runs…but that is literally the ONLY thing Id miss about the MMO aspect of the game.

Ya I played this little fps game back in 2000 called Counterstrike. Very popular game back then before wall hacking what not ruined the game. Plenty of folks considered it, and even called it a mmo back then. I was in a clan(guilds were not a thing I guess back then, or the term guild wasn’t I guess). Fun times. Sadly a couple of the people I played the game with back then lived in the New York city area, and were employees at the World Trade center. Don’t know for sure, if they were there during the 911 attacks, but never heard from them again after that sadly. Made me wish that I had got to know them a little better than just playing a videogame together, but then again I’m glad in a way that I didn’t. Just hard to describe that feeling.

Trust there would be fewer Transient players if everything wasn’t time gated so hard. I am one of your Transient players and I am that way because there is no benefits to me paying for a sub while I wait for my content to come out. So in response to time gating, I time gate Blizzards access to my money.


This is me. The mentality of how people play has changed so much, I often just don’t enjoy being around a lot of other players now.


There’s absolutely nothing wrong with playing WoW as a solo player, as long as you recognize the game is not designed for you.


As long as you’re not asking for the game to be designed around your solo preference then knock yourself out.

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