I'm a raider that quit years ago - came back and hate hunter now

Sorry OP, BM is what everyone is playing now. It is really good in all content, and will get you invites into Mythic Plus keys. Survival is good in PvP and MM just not really good at anything, don’t expect an invite to a M+ group as MM or Surv, at least from me anyway.

Edit: get yourself a spirit beast, it is a game changer for BM - real nice self heals on a 30 sec cooldown.

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To be fair, I didn’t quit wow because I didn’t like being a hunter. My guild was a top 50-60 US 25 man guild and raiding at that level was just exhausting. We only raided 3 nights a week, but all the other nights were filled with raiding, farming, studying boss fights etc. It was just so much work it started feeling like a job and not fun.

Yeah I noticed that. I appreciate some of the changes, because I did feel like hunters had a lot more keybinds than other classes, but I agree it went too far. Some of our iconic abilities are now gone or spec specific.

My whole “wow career” was tied up in being a hunter. I’m already considering canceling my sub again because it’s so overwhelming to come back and everything is so different, I’ve lost track of just about everyone I knew, and I don’t even think any guild (that would be up to my standards) would take me at this point.

I considered playing classic, but jesus christ, when I think about running around until level 40, having to feed a pet to keep it happy, buying arrows again, hunter dead zones, etc - is that even worth it too! UGH!


ya good ideas but im just kinda over it. spent 2 betas giving feedback and i dont care anymore. playing bard on ff14 now and it’s probably better than any hunter spec ive played anyway.

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I only got to level 53 as a Bard so I know I’m missing some later stuff. I liked Bard a lot, but one thing I HATED was how cumbersome multidotting was. You had 2 almost-identical DoTs, both on the GCD which is 2.5 secs in that game, so it took forever to DoT up the mobs you were fighting. From what I heard there is an ability you get later on that alleviates this, which is good and all but I feel like this is something that should be solved earlier, plus if you do a low level dungeon you can’t use your high-level abilities anyway (dumb decision IMO). Why exactly does Bard need two DoTs that effectively do the same thing, anyway?

What I really liked about Bard was how they tied a strong damage incentive into multidotting. I don’t remember the exact interaction but it gave you points/damage or whatever towards your current song phase, which was a gain for your single target and AoE. A problem with ranged Survival was you could multidot but there was very little reason to beyond raw damage of the DoT, which realistically wasn’t a lot. Black Arrow could have provided such an incentive but you couldn’t multidot with it most of the time. There were only a couple attempts at that: the MoP beta where Black Arrow became a 1.5 sec cast that gave Black Arrow to all nearby enemies to the target (didn’t make it through beta) and WoD patch 6.2 where the Archimonde trinket for Survival made Black Arrow reset option. That last one was really run but as we know well SV was nerfed to uselessness in that patch so it didn’t matter. This is why concepts for ranged SV such as mine and Ghorak’s have inbuilt incentives/support for multidotting.

That is true yes. The spec was much about DoTs. But the actual potential to multi-dot, wasn’t what it was aiming for at the time.

Don’t know if you have checked my suggestions out Bepps,

Edit: NVM! :slight_smile:

And sure, they wouldn’t give you the same capability to multi-dot like locks or SPs can do.
But depending on how you choose to play and spec into talents, you certainly could gain some from multi-dotting.

As for the general design, it might not be perfect for everyone.
But hopefully, it can give a sense of direction towards what the spec could be focusing on, fantasy wise.

It was a lot of fun yes. Based parts of my design on that reset-mechanic. Sure, not in the exact sam way but…

Yes, sadly SV was kinda at the bottom at that point. Had to go MM for mythic :disappointed_relieved:

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They gutted all classes when WoD came out. You played the last time in the games history when classes were full and engaging.

Just finished my dinner while watching the WFR.

They were talking about the Hunter class and what benefits/disadvantages it has.

It was so nice to hear, or well, actually it’s sad to hear as well, that due to encounters are designed nowadays, they said:

Hunters survive fairly well. Especially BM. They do good damage. They can burst.

But hunters don’t have DoTs…

This rings so much truth.
When it comes down to splitting damage. Funneling damage. Or overall dealing with several targets(especially when they are spread out). Hunters just aren’t in a good place to be considered.

Spec identity, design and fantasy aside. Considering the way most encounters are made today, as soon as it becomes about one of the above situations, this becomes an argument for why we should have the old SV back.

Now, I will always prio the uniqueness and the fantasy above numbers and performance. But it just felt so good hearing that. And why it’s more motivation to bring the spec back.

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As long as you ignore MSV then that statement is correct.

No Whim, I’m not ignoring MSV. I never said that it’s not a hunter spec…I dno why you even say that this is what I’m doing.

It’s true that the quote stated that “Hunter’s don’t have DoTs”. And while you might interpret this as them saying that, we have no DoT’s at all.

They are obviously talking about our capabilities to multi-DoT. Or overall capability to deal with spread targets.

Sure, MM has 1 DoT + 1 CD(AMoC).
Serpent Sting. But that won’t exactly make MM very attractive for fights where this is a big advantage to be able to bring.

MSV, has a bit more in terms of DoT-capabilities yes. You have Serpent Sting that you can talent for multi-target applications, as well as Wildfire Bomb baseline which can help for multiple stacked targets.
You can also get A Murder of Crows, but as with MM, it’s a CD.

None of the above screams that the Hunter class has specs you can consider to be very useful for such encounters.

Sry if I did not make this clear, to be what the intent with that post was.

Answered in the other thread.

Reading it atm :slight_smile:

Edit: replied in that thread as well.^^
#We need range Survival Hunters back - #636 by Ghorak-laughing-skull

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A lot of the classes feel very boring without major dps cds

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I miss deadzone. Brought something else to the game. Something to be aware of and made kiting very important. It was also cool to have 2 daggers and a bow.

The only thing i like about hunter after WOD is lonewolf. They didnt even do lonewolf right tbh. 10% damage but none of the utility a pet would give you, so its never going to be viable in pvp.