Im a BM hunter and there are still too many keys to press

You should have all of those bound for when you do need them.

I don’t use blink on every pull but when I need to move out of bad I need to blink then not 3 seconds later when I click it.

You do realize achievements are account bound right?

And I do, but I don’t use them frequently at all.

Then I misunderstood your post. My bad.

There’s just a level of content where being a damagebot doesn’t necessarily cut it.

Kind of the issue with the game in a way, doing 15s with people who just now realize they have an interrupt key sucks but the game doesn’t really teach it before that.

At least its better than back in the pre-M+ days where you’d have high end raiders without half of their utility bound and you could clearly point people who did PvP and who didn’t.

Or outlaw rogues that don’t know what kidney or gouge are :joy:

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If I ever come across content where I’m using the entirety of my toolkit each pull I’m never doing it again :rofl:

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In Classic you have…let’s see…

  • Ability rank 1 key
  • Ability rank 2 key
  • Ability rank 3 key
  • Ability rank 4 key
  • Ability rank 5 key

Shall I go on? Times that by a dozen abilities. Yet you only use at most four? of those keys on a regular basis, while some classes use mayyyyybe one key.

Whenever I was learning a new class or spec back before I played everything I would always go and do random BGs on it because you won’t know how to survive and use all your skills if you aren’t PVPing :+1: The only content I can think of that may ‘stress’ an individuals grasp of their toolkit outside of pvp is Proving Grounds


Hunter is probably the most egregious example of this. Levelling one is the most brainless thing in existence but PvP as one is one of the hardest thing to do in the game, if you don’t use your whole kit you get stomped into the ground. Specially in the days where PvP was slower, more control based (ie kiting melee was an actual possibility) and classes had more limitations (ie Dead Zone).

Nobody is using their entire toolkit on every pull or every encounter in PvP but it still requires the ability to be readily bound and available. I have abilities that I press, abilities I click, and abilities I use so infrequently they either aren’t on any bar or are way off to the side and I couldn’t even feasibly click in the heat of the moment.

I could wipe my bars out today and very quickly get them back more or less exactly as they are from pure memory alone (and I don’t have a stellar memory anymore) just because I know inherently where each and every spell is and the overall frequency that I use/need it dictates where I put it. I also been doing this a very long time and have standard keys that always have a similar spell or effect. For instance, “~” is my interrupt for literally every spec that has one and “=” is my taunt on all taunt-capable toons. Buttons 5 and 6 are almost all bound to either a spammable or frequent AOE. I have a dedicated button for the healthstone and potion for all toons too. Each toon has their mounts (yak and dedicated flying mount) on the same spot. This way no matter what toon I play, there is a measure of consistency that carries over from toon to toon.

Edit - Like I said in my original response, I don’t even know the OP but I’ve played this game for so long and have extensive time on every class that I know all the abilities and in what scenario I’d more likely needing them. Just because I am not disengaging on every pull doesn’t mean that I won’t instantly know where that button is and recognize that I need to press it. I’ve done clutch traps on pats or to tar traps to slow runners and even a clutch stun on mobs because I can use my experience on other toons and just on mechanics in general as well as a fairly deep knowledge of my entire kit to draw parallels to scenarios that can and do come up.

Demon hunters have like 3 buttons and have been pretty much consistently top tier ever since their release in 2016. If they get a nerf it never lasts long because people cry in the forums until they get bumped back up to S tier.

pve frost mage really doesn’t have many buttons to worry about.
i kinda like it!

Hunter’s are probably the class I miss most from MoP days, I used to queue 2s using a second account and just 1v2 people on my Hunter :laughing: Usually lost but just playing Marks back then was great with everything Hunter’s had at their disposal.

Sure but they aren’t used so :man_shrugging: If people were using 20 abilities every pull I’d think OP had a point but you don’t. I’m not going to say there’s too many abilities when I don’t always use all the abilities.

Dungeons are generally so boring and abilities so meaningless that I find myself using abilities just for the fun of it :laughing: Like I interrupt like mad in dungeons, don’t need to, tanks at full health healer is at full mana, some random mobs Shadowbolt isn’t going to do anything but hey let’s interrupt it because I’m not doing anything else.
Let’s drop a tar trap just in case a mob gets away from the tank and runs to the healer, but he won’t because I MD on CD and go ham on DPS lol.
I shouldn’t say the abilities are useless they are useful but situational and it just doesn’t ever feel like there’s too many, maybe it comes from playing for years idk.

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It’s more than you think.

It’s fine if you dont use them. All I’m saying is nearly everyone of those abilities would very feasibly come into play in actual keys past the +9 range at least once a run or you are just flat out not being very optimal at all. DPS are expected to be FAR more than just simple damage dealers in higher keys. In fact, you shouldn’t even be told to do something unless it is a heat of the moment type thing.

I don’t know the level of content you do nor do I care to actually look. I just know when I play a pure DPS, which isn’t often, I’m always looking to improve and find more ways to be useful because if I am giving 100% and people are trying just as hard if not more than me…we’re acing the run. I run elitism helper because I want accountability even for myself…I got so tired in my raid leading days of people claiming they didn’t get hit by X mechanic and had “no idea” why they died…logs and data doesn’t lie and I want even my own failures on full blast because that keeps us all honest but also tells others critical information that in the heat of the moment may matter.

I know other people are and will play better than me while others, like you, find having all these abilities cumbersome and pointless…that is all fine. If the content you do and the level you do it at doesn’t require that level of care and concern…so be it. More power to you.

I don’t find them cumbersome or pointless only that they aren’t necessary frequently enough for me to understand how someone can say there are too many.

If you are not using those keys and a few more regularly as a BM hunter then you aren’t playing the spec properly

It’s not that many, its really not a complicated spec. I’m playing frost mage right now, and its one of the most straightforward specs in the game.

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BM is relatively easy and it allows us to be one of the most mobile specs in the game. It really is going to come down to the level of content you want to run.
In keys, binding shot and tar trap are useful (on non sanguine weeks), and if your using the soul ember leggo then youl want to create a mouse over target macro for your flare and tar shots in order to activate the leggo power. So if your worried about buttons either go Rylaks or the new NF Antler leggo. You’l want to use wild spirits on boss fights on CD and for trash mobs on anything 4 mob and under if using Antlers or just for big pulls with any other leggo. You’l also want to be using tranq shot to remove enrages and counter shot for your interrupt - this matters alot in keys and some boss fights depending on your raid composition.
The main bread and butter of your rotation will be barbed, barbed, bestial wrath, barbed (then try to maintain 2-3 stacks of barbed best you can) kill command on cd and cobra shot as your filler. (if youve taken the killer cobra talent during beastial wrath literally just pump kill command - cobra - kill command - cobra till wrath finishes. And youl be wanting to use your aspect where you need a dps boost, usually during lust or big pulls is useful. Boss fights generally pop on pull and then weave it in with the phases as needed or just on CD.
Hunters mark is still useful for damage reduction if your a nightfae and have the soulbind for it.
Sounds like alot but its a super intuitive rotation, just set it up on your 1-7 keys and thats about it other than a few situation binds like tranq and counter shot.