Im a BM hunter and there are still too many keys to press

6//10. There’s some subtlety here, and you caught a few people. This is a mildly above average troll post. Listing all the buttons was a good touch.

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When people talk about 2-3 key rotations, they can safely be ignored.


I made my 1 button macro in TBC. Why is every version of WoW not like this?

OP, a good mouse with extra buttons, Like the Logitech G604, helps a bunch. You can put 6 actions that aren’t used much, but are still handy, under your thumb.

You can do that to play it, but not to play it well. A single macro can’t give you the optimal rotation for every fight.

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Some of those you don’t need to use that much or even at all. Have you heard of the Corsair Scimitar. It will save your headache.

Playing a BM hunter isn’t that bad.

You have a 5 button rotation, 6 if you count kill shot in the execute phase of a fight or multi-shot if you’re fighting 3 or more targets at once. Everything else is situational.

If you want to play a BM hunter (or any utility class for that matter) well, I would recommend doing 2 things:

  • Learn how to use key binds
  • Invest in a multibutton MMO mouse and/or a mechanical keyboard.

Personally, I don’t use a lot of custom keybinds. Just the 22 or so shift and control + number action bar keybinds in conjunction with a Razer Naga. Having a good keyboard is helpful too, I use a Razer Blackwidow Chroma. But shop around, you can probably find a good mouse and mechanical keyboard for less.

Just think, last expansion people were complaining there were too few keys to press.

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I laughed too much at this.

Yea the spec is perfect now! just the right amount of abilities with a little room for more!

No reason ever to cast hunter’s mark outside of PvP and torghast. Like… it doesn’t do anything.

No reason to cast flare if you aren’t using that leggo. You can get away with never using a trap too then.

And there is Gnome Sequencer if you want to just press 1 single button. If you dont’ like modifiers, make a different button for each of the modifier actions. IT won’t be 100% amazing… but 90% is still better than 99% of puggers you’ll run into.

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I feel like we should be limited to 10-15 skills. But more impactful.

Every class has easily 20-40 keybinds and it’s kind of ridiculous. I have to use the entire keyboard to play properly.


I had 93 keybinds on my rogue in Cata. Your list is nothing.

I seriously hope you’re joking?

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Cooldowns and auxiliary abilities aren’t generally counted into a class’s general working complexity.

Fury warrior core is just Raging Blow, Bloodthirst, Execute, Rampage, and Whirlwind.

But then I could also say that I’ve bound Berserker Rage, Door of Shadows, Trinket, Recklessness, Bladestorm, Storm Bolt (M+), Piercing Howl, Healthstone, Health Potion, Will of the Forsaken, Strength Potion, Heroic Throw, Enraged Regeneration, Ignore Pain, Rallying Cry, Spell Reflect, Victory Rush, Pummel, Charge/Hamstring/Intervene conditional macro, Heroic Leap, and two slots for Siegebreaker (unused this expansion) and Dragon Roar (talent + legendary swap).

If you ask me how complicated Fury warrior is, I’d say it’s about 5 buttons, and then you slowly learn to incorporate cooldowns and the like. This doesn’t even include the nuance of Charge-weaving.

I seriously hope you are…

Bm has okay amount of buttons. Now druids on the other hand…

You also will not use every spell all the time so you should make your keybind layout with that in mind… like how often do you scare beast?

I’m not at all. If you think current WoW is keybind intensive I suggest playing a DH.

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Learn to keybind and use modifiers. That is the best way to play.

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:rofl: good advice to the op lol.